Chapter 10

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Not so long after, Alya arrived with two packs of ice cream and a movie CD in her hands.

"Let's watch a movie together!" she exclaimed.

I furrowed my eyebrows as I pointed at the 2 ice cream packs.

Alya laughed.

"Ice cream does wonders. It never fails to bring your mood up."

I shook my head in mocking disapproval as a smile appeared on my face.

"What will I do without you," I said as I got 2 spoons and sat on the couch.


We silently watched the movie for half an hour before I asked,

"Say, what would you do if you felt like you did a very bad mistake to someone and you want to apologize so bad but you're scared?"

"I'd apologize. There's nothing scary about apologizing anyway."

"Do you have Adrien's number?" I asked.

"I don't but I think Nino does. I'll message him," she said before grabbing her phone and typing her thoughts out.

"Thank you."

2 minutes later, Nino responded and gave her Adrien's number which she forwarded to me. I added him to my contacts and wrote a message.

Hey it's Marinette. I'm sorry, I know I was being insensitive.

I read the message at least ten times before I decided to delete it and type in something else. Apologizing via texts does not seem genuine at all in this case.

Hey it's Marinette. We need to talk.

I had a racing heartbeat the moment I pressed on send. It took around 10 minutes for him to respond with

Yes we do. Can we meet up?

It didn't take a millisecond for me to think this through. I typed in a yes, sent my address and got up to fix my currently messed up state.

"Where are you going?" asked Alya from her place.

"Adrien is coming over to talk things out."

She grinned, "I guess it's my cue to leave."

I did not want her to leave and I needed her for emotional support but knowing how deep that subject is to Adrien, I had to let her go.

"See you," she winked for which I rolled my eyes and waved at her, all while holding back a smile.

The Flower Shop (Adrienette)Where stories live. Discover now