Chapter 3

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I woke up the next day to the annoying sound of my alarm. It drained a lot of my energy to stay still and not throw it at the wall since I already broke 3 alarm clocks this month. I decided to stop being lazy and actually start getting ready for school.

I failed to notice the clock ticking by so quickly. The clock had already striked 8 am by the time I was done. My eyes widened when I realized how late I was for class so I immediately grabbed all my necessities and ran to school.

"I did so much running in just 2 days. That's way more exercise than what I'm accustomed to!" I whined on my way to hell- I mean school.

I tripped a couple of times on my way there but I still made it. I sighed in relief when I entered the class and found a substitute teacher instead of our normal teacher. I smiled as I made my way to the seat next to Alya's.

"Girl where were you? You're never this late. You almost missed a whole listen. You should be glad our teacher is sick today!" she glared. I just giggled.

"I stayed up late and I kind of overslept.."

She wiggled her eyebrows. "What were you doing up so late?"

I froze before shooting her a confused look. "I was up thinking."

"Thinking about who?"

"N-no one," I stuttered before my eyes involuntarily moved to where Adrien is normally seated. However, He wasn't here today which rose a lot of questions in my head.

"I'm not that stupid. You were thinking about Adrien, weren't you?"

"How did you- No I wasn't!"

She rolled her eyes. "I can tell you're looking for him. We've been best friends for so many years so don't even bother trying to cover it up," I groaned before I hid my face in my hands.

"You don't understand!"

She just shrugged before turning her attention back to Nino who was bugging her for the past few minutes before I arrived.

Yes, I was indeed thinking about him. But it was because I have never seen him in the state that I saw him in yesterday. He has always appeared to be so rapturous and blissful. However, I was met with nothing but coldness yesterday.

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