Chapter 11

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The doorbell rang signaling Adrien's arrival. I hurriedly got up and started examining the desk for unnoticed dust when I realized that he's already out the door and it's rude to leave him waiting.

I unlocked the door and opened some space for him to come through.

He smiled,

"I don't know why it took you so long to answer when I already informed you about my visit," he said.

I rubbed the back of my neck as I giggled awkwardly,

"I didn't hear it,"

Whoops. Wrong excuse. Adrien looked at me like I had grown two heads before he shook his head in disbelief and made his way in.

"Make yourself at home," I muttered as I assured for him to sit- to which he complied.

"Listen I-"

"I want to ap-"

We both started talking simultaneously before we paused to give each other the chance to continue.

"Ladies first," he commented jokingly.

I sighed as I appreciated the fact that he was trying to crack jokes here and there to ease the tension.

"I'm sorry for being insensitive enough to bring up your mother last time we hung out. We just met and I'm already a jerk and I'd understand if you want to cut ties," I apologized.

"No, don't apologize. You did nothing wrong. I was stupid for getting mad at you at something like that. It's just, I'm not ready to accept the fact that she's gone. I never bring her up and I lose my cool whenever I remember how unfair our world is. I'm sorry for snapping at you over nothing. I know you didn't mean to pry or anything," he muttered as he held my hand that was lying on my knee.

"It's not your fault. I can't imagine what I'd do if I were in your shoes,"

"So, we're back to being friends?" he chuckled sheepishly.

"Of course," I answered with the biggest smile on my face.

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