Chapter 16

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The scenario of Adrien and I dancing kept playing in my head for the rest of the weekend.

I just met him, I can't possibly be developing feelings for him but then again, emotions have such a strange way of expressing themselves.

I didn't know how I could face Adrien after the dance and so I started avoiding him for the rest of the dance.

Even at school, if I see him heading towards the right corner I head towards the left to avoid clashing into him. I am embarrassed and I sure as hell would make our situation even more awkward knowing that I would spurt out nonsense the moment our eyes would meet.

With my books hugged against my chest, I walked slowly to my class as I continued to have an existential crisis- well, that was until I bumped into a wall and hit my head.

"Ouch!" I hissed as I brought my hand up to tend the bruise that was surely going to form in a couple of minutes.

I heard a snicker-which I immediately recognized was Adrien's- pass by me making me turn around to send him a glare.

"What's so funny?" I asked, narrowing my eyes.

He just shrugged and walked away leaving me gaping at his retreating figure.

Is he avoiding me too?

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