Chapter 5

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"Where are we going?" I asked as Alya pulled me with her to god knows where.

I suddenly got a message from her telling me to get ready since we're hanging out with some friends. I didn't even have a say in this. This girl I swear-

"Stop cursing me in your head."

I rolled my eyes.

"At least tell me where you're taking me!"

"To see some friends."

"Nino?" I asked as I recognized Nino standing with someone while waiting for us.

"And your lover boy."

"We meet again," I heard which made me look up to see Adrien looking straight at me.

"We seem to be meeting very often nowadays," I said not realizing Alya pulling Nino away to give me some "free time" with Adrien.

"I was dragged here so don't think I was stalking you- this little devil didn't even give me time to decide whether to come or not-" I said before throwing a punch to the person standing beside me.

"Ouch!" that definitely did not sound like Alya and I jumped in surprise when I realized that I had just punched a stranger.

"I-I'm sorry!" I exclaimed.

"You disrespectful peasant! I'll sue you!"

"Please don't sue me over something this stupid-"

"I'm experiencing secondhand embarrassment," said Adrien. "Listen ma'am. She's- uh- she accidentally ate a spiked cookie! She's not in her right mind. I'm sorry, " he jumped to my rescue.

"What I'm no-" he pinched me as if to tell me to be quiet and go with his little act.

"Gagagahahahagaga I see 2 Adriens and they're both so ugly."

"See? No one in his right mind would call me ugly."

"Wooo the sky is falling. My dream has always been to float on clouds!" I said before striking a pose. "Draw me like one of your french girls~"

I could tell Adrien was trying to hold in his laughter.

"I need to get her back home before she embarrasses herself even more."

The woman that I punched sighed, "she could've broken my fragile bones but I'll let this one go because of you young man. Let's go," she said before walking off and letting her 5 maids follow behind.

After making sure that she's gone, I was finally to pull myself together and start acting like a sane person.

"You saved me," I said dramatically.

"Did you seriously think she'd forgive you if you degrade what she's doing?"

I shrugged.

"It's all Alya's fault!"

I said before I saw Adrien falling into fits of laughter.

I just groaned and carried on cursing Alya in my head.

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