Chapter 17

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The next couple of days consisted of Adrien keeping his distance and me trying to approach him.

I know I said I wanted to avoid him, but he's being weird right now. I don't want us to go back to being strangers just because I couldn't face my embarrassment.

Whenever our eyes would meet, he'd shift his eyes elsewhere before walking away.

"Why is he doing this?" I groaned as I continued to rant to Alya about my mischief.

"Well, you both are being so darn dramatic. Just talk to each other for god's sake! Nothing happened!" she lectured me.

I rolled my eyes, "Geez, thank you genius. That thought totally didn't cross my mind," I responded sarcastically.

"There he is," she pointed as he entered the school.


She nudged me,

"Go talk to him!"

I froze in my place for a couple of seconds before she pushed me and yelled: "Go!", making several heads turn in our direction.

I inhaled a deep breath before I stepped towards him.

"Adrien!" he looked at me before turning his head away and attempting to walk away.

"Why are you avoiding me!" I continued, making him stop.

"I'm avoiding you?" he questioned confused.

"Yes! You haven't been approaching me and you keep walking away from me! Our friendship just stared and you're already cutting me off-"

"Mari, I wasn't avoiding you. You were avoiding me so I wanted to give you the distance you were looking for," he proclaimed.

My eyes widened,

"I wasn't avoiding y-"

Yes I was, who am I trying to kid.

I sighed, "I just didn't want our situation to be unpleasant," I said as I fidgeted in my place.

He chuckled,

"I know. I didn't want to force you to talk to me when you didn't want to but seeing as you approached me first, does that mean you no longer are trying to avoid me?" he asked.

I nodded enthusiastically,

"Of course! It was just a misunderstanding! I'm sorry," I apologized, making him laugh.

"No need to apologize, but you do need to make it up for me. I'm taking you somewhere today.Dress like.. Marinette does," he winked before he walked away.

"Wait!" I called after him.

"What?" he yelled back.

"What time?" I asked.

"7 pm. Be late and I'm leaving you behind!"

I rolled my eyes as a smile managed to spread over my cheeks.

"I'll make sure not to open the door for you!"

He cackled making his laughter echo around the hallway.

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