Chapter 15

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2 weeks passed, and my friendship with Adrien was getting stronger by day. Strong enough to know that I didn't know if I wanted us to be just friends.

Best friends, maybe?

2 weeks ago, Adrien asked me to be his date to the dance-which brings us to the current situation I'm in.

I don't know how to apply make up without looking like a clown.

I mentally cringed as I winged the eyeliner and saw how it was uneven on both sides. I groaned as I wiped it off, once again.

Alya did tell me that she'd come help me but I insisted that I could do it by myself. To be honest, I do need her more than ever, but I don't want her to kill me with her infinite "I told you so"s.

I should definitely have practiced doing make up when I had the time to. I have 2 hours left and I haven't gotten anything done.

I almost grabbed my phone and typed that I wouldn't make it to Adrien when the door burst open and Alya walked in.

I gasped.

"What kind of monster is- woah Alya! You look gorgeous!" I awed at Alya clad in her spaghetti strap, coal black long evening dress which hugged her figure perfectly.

"I know, I know, thank you," she struck a pose, "however, I had a feeling that you'd be having a hard time without me so I decided to come give you a hand. Don't say anything and just let me do my work, okay?"


"Be quiet," she glared right before she sat me down and got to work.

I stared at my reflection in the mirror. Well, I guess wearing a dress and putting some makeup on every once in a while isn't really a bad idea.

Alya grinned proudly as she examined what she referred to as 'her masterpiece'

My mom stared at me in awe "It's like just a few weeks ago you were born," she said, "you grew up so fast. You're graduating soon too!"

I laughed at her words before I shook my head and gave her a hug which she immediately returned.

I then chose to stay in my room and scroll through Instagram and my other social medias till Adrien picks me up.

Ding dong!

The bell rang causing me to quickly stand, tripping as I made my way to my room's door ready to leave.

Alya raced me to it and let him know I was in my room before she left out the door, probably to get to Nino.

Slightly stumbling, I got down the stairs. However, making my way without falling was a futile attempt as I tumbled down the last few steps.

I heard a snicker which soon turned into laughter that roamed through the bakery.

I rolled my eyes.

"Need a hand?" asked Adrien before lending me his hand to help me stand up.

"Thank you, idiot," I said as he burst out laughing but then he suddenly stopped and started examining me which caused me to blush.

"Gorgeous," he mumbled as I turned into a tomato.

"Thank you, I guess?" I said awkwardly.

Taking my arms into his , we made our way to the limo , where Alya and Nino were waiting.

"Woah!" exclaimed Nino. "are you really Marinette? The Marinette I know never really put a tint of makeup."

"Well persuading her wasn't the easiest, but the mission was a success!" proclaimed Alya before putting her thumbs up.


After approximately 25 minutes, the limousine pulled in front of the hotel the prom was going to be held at.

To be honest, I never really cared about stuff like this but this time  I'm nervous for no certain reason.

Adrien first left the limousine and extended his hand to me to help me stand up.

"Ugh.. Remind me not to wear heels again," I whined as I stumbled while walking.

"Just cling to me when you have a hard time walking?" said Adrien, well, more like asked.

"Translation: Just cling to me all the time," taunted Alya.

"Hahaha very funny," I spoke sarcastically.

We all walked to the prom venue and I noted that it was decorated prosperously. The crystal chandelier in the middle of the venue glowed brightly as hundreds of balloons surrounded it. The corners of the wall had stands against them which held all the different kinds of exquisite food. To say that it was extravagant would be an understatement.

Music blasted from every corner of the room and I could see a couple of people dancing together.

Soon after, a slow song came on as I stood awkwardly to watch the people dance.

"May I have a dance?" asked Adrien extending one hand to me.

I placed my hand in his,

"Of course," I smiled.

Making our way to the dance floor I whispered, "I'm not sure I can do it. You'll have to kiss you feet goodbye in advance."

"Nah I'm pretty sure you can't be that bad," he said as he wrapped one of his arms around my waist and took my hand in his other. Following his steps, I didn't trip which I'm so thankful for.

But that doesn't mean I didn't annihilate his feet into nothingness by the end of the dance.

"Sorry!" I apologized for the nth time.

"It's fine, we all learn from our mistakes," he said.

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"I'm never going to dance with you again. Ever," he said as we continued to sway from left to right.

I glared at him.

"Then let go of me. I told you I couldn't dance but you didn't listen!"

He chuckled,

"I'm kidding. I don't mind, I promise. You'll improve with time," he gave me a heartwarming smile which drive all my anger and anxiety away as I sank into relaxation.

We danced and danced, and a few minutes passed without me stabbing his feet with my heels (which made us both so proud.)

Involuntarily we both began moving closer to each other, until our noses were centimeters apart-

"Marinette! I was looking for you!" Alya cut in which made us both part immediately.

My eyes widened as he mirrored my expression.

What was about to happen?

"Why do you look like you saw a ghost? Earth to, Marinette!"

I jumped out of my daze and forced myself to focus on what Alya was saying but it was difficult seeing that all I could hear was my loud heartbeat.

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