Chapter 14

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I headed to the shop while sulking because I was feeling tired. School was long today and I wanted to do nothing but sleep but of course, I had the shop to attend so that plan went down the drain.

I opened the door and made my way in, but my eyes widened when I saw the slightly restyled shop.

I furrowed my eyebrows as I tried to think about who would have done this.

I walked towards the goodies on the tables set on either side of the shop and I picked up one pizza box.

"I know this is cheesy but will you go to prom with me?"

I mentally cringed when I read that, but it was sweet nevertheless. I mean, it's food. Who'd say no to food.

I picked up a slice and started eating it when someone cleared their throat.

"Will you?"

I gasped.

"Adrien? What are you doing here?"

He playfully rolled his eyes.

"Don't act oblivious,"

I eyed all the cookies, chicken nuggets, fries (the best things to ever exist) and balloons and I pretended to think.

"I thought the pizza was asking me and I was about to say yes.. I didn't know there was a human behind that,"

He snorted.

"Fine then, go with the pizza," he played along.

I rolled my eyes before I said,

"Of course I'm going with you! You could've just asked me without doing all of this though. I would've said yes anyway," I said shyly.

He smiled.

"I know, but I also know that you'd be happier if I got you food so, better make the day more enjoyable."

I chuckled before I offered him some pizza.

"You didn't have to ask," he said before he took a slice and started munching on it.

Perhaps after all, I won't miss out on the dance and to be completely honest, I am quite excited to make it.

Scratch that, I am more than ecstatic to go with him.

The Flower Shop (Adrienette)Where stories live. Discover now