Chapter 7

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After 30 long minutes of Adrien insisting on trying all the different kinds of ice cream offered, he decided to settle on chocolate ice cream (In which I had to hold the urge to choke him in that specific moment.)

"Why did you want to try all that ice cream if you were just going to order plain chocolate in the end?"

"This was the one that stole my heart," he grinned while I glared at him.

"How come?"

"Just looking at it makes me think of you," he paused which made me give a confused look. He kept on staring that I ended up turning 50 shades of red.

'Am I that sweet?' I wondered to myself.

"Wanna know why?" I nodded.

"Because it looks like poop!" He broke into fits of laughter that I thought he was going to pop in any second now.

I scoffed.

"Yet you complain when I treat you like a child," I muttered which made him laugh even more.

"Stop you're embarrassing me!" I pouted.

"Last I recall I wasn't the one that punched a stranger thinking it was my friend," he carried on giggling while I resisted the urge to let out a laugh. However, his current state didn't help, especially after I noticed the ice cream smeared on his face.

"I wouldn't talk if I were you," I giggled in which he paused.

"You have a cute giggle."

I took a napkin and wiped the Ice cream off of his face.

"And you act like a child."

The Flower Shop (Adrienette)Where stories live. Discover now