Chapter 4

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It was my favorite time of the day now- lunch break. I was surprised when Alya suddenly pulled me towards the table of the "popular" students. What caught my attention was Adrien who was seated right across from me. He kept on staring at me with an unreadable expression.

At first glance you'd think that you've had him all figured out. But in reality, you can never tell what's going on in his life nor in his mind.

I tried to move my eyes away from him and get involved in the conversations being held.

"Why do you look so awkward?" whispered Alya seeing my uncomfortable state. I just smiled and shook my head as if telling her that everything was alright.

For the first time in my life I was hoping to hear the sound of the ringing bell signaling us to go back to class.

I felt blessed when it did a few minutes later. Everyone in the cafeteria immediately got up and vanished which really surprised me since students usually like to waste time rather than immediately go to class. Alya winked at me before turning around and leaving me to pick up my things. I glared at her back as she did that.

I heard someone clearing their throat and I looked up in surprise.

"Oh you're still here."

It was Adrien.

"I didn't see you in class in the morning," I pointed out.

"I had an argument with my father so I was a bit held back."

I slowly nodded not knowing why he filled me in with that piece of information.

"Anyway, I noticed how differently you've been looking at me after knowing about my mother. I hope that doesn't change your view of me."

I raised an eyebrow. "Why would it?"

He sighed.

"Listen, I don't want you pity nor anyone else's. Just be cool and act as if you don't know anything about me okay?"

Now was my turn to sigh.

"If that's what you want then so be it."

"Just don't tell anyone, okay?"

"I think we already established that I won't go around telling anyone about your secret," I said monotonously which made him chuckle.

"That's good."

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