Chapter 20

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The following days consisted of me and Adrien being closer than ever. I know all his secrets and he knows all mine, and it would be a lie if I were to say that I wasn't developing feelings for him.

I was falling.. hard.

When I told Alya about my feelings for him, she squealed so hard before saying,

"He looks like he's head over heels for you, too."

"I'm not head over heels for him!" I retorted to which she snorted.

"Keep telling yourself that."

Now fast forward a couple of hours after the end of the school day, Alya dragged me to the mall to shop. Again.

"I still haven't forgiven you for leaving me last time we came here. I punched a snobby woman because of you! She almost killed me!" I complained as she cackled at the memory.

"But she didn't. You also got to enjoy your time with Adrien! You still didn't thank me for that!"

I rolled my eyes,

"You betrayed me right then and there, Alya. I hate you," I uttered.

She snorted,

"You know you love me. That's why we're going to get some food now!"

My eyes perked up at that and maybe-just maybe- I felt like my love for my best friend grew even more.

As we were making way to the food court, I bumped into someone.

"Ouch!" I exclaimed rubbing my head.

"Hello Marinette!" I looked up to see Adrien giving me one of his signature smiles.

"Hi," I greeted embarrassed.

"And the couple reunites!" claimed Alya causing me to punch her shoulder.

"We are not a couple."

"Not yet," Adrien winked as I flushed.

"So need help with carrying those?" asked Nino referring to the shopping bags.

"Yes we do!" Claimed Alya causing me to roll my eyes.

"What? My boyfriend has to suffer you know! "


"Yeah! Not only you can get to date," she said.

I groaned.

"I'm not dating anyone!"

After we were done, Adrien wanted to walk me home, stating that it wasn't that far away from where he lives. Plus, he asked the driver to not come pick him up because he wanted some time by himself.

"Hmm so how did shopping with Alya go?" he asked.

"It was a killer!" I exclaimed causing him to chuckle.

After that, we started conversing and questioning each other constantly.

"Wanna play 20 questions?" he suddenly asked.

I shrugged,

"Sure. I don't see why not,"

"I'll go first. Do you have any special talents?" he asked.

I paused to think about an answer.

"I like drawing and designing clothes, I guess." I answered to which he nodded.

"Now my turn. Uh- what's your favorite color?" I settled on this question because I had no clue what else to ask.

He snorted,

"Seriously? You have the chance to ask me anything and you decide to ask this?"

I held up my hands in surrender.

"Sorry, I'm not the best at asking things!" I exclaimed.

He chuckled.

"It's okay. It used to be green but I'd rather say blue like your ocean eyes which always manage to capture me and drive me speechless," he answered.

I blushed.

"I was not expecting that," I muttered, making him let out a laugh.

"Now my turn," he said

"Will you be my girlfriend?" he asked, making me freeze in shock.


"Will you be my girlf-"

"I got it, I got it- I- of course- yes- I don't- YES!" I managed to stutter out before I flushed and hid my face behind my hands.

"Cute," he laughed as we neared the bakery.

"Um so see you tomorrow I guess?" I said as we stood in front of the bakery.

"No hug before we depart, girlfriend?" he asked as he pouted, causing me to giggle as my face turned into a tomato at the fact that he called me 'girlfriend'.

I hugged him and gave him a quick peck on the cheek before entering the bakery.

"See you tomorrow, boyfriend."

The Flower Shop (Adrienette)Where stories live. Discover now