Chapter 13

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No matter what corner I turned to in school, I always heard people talk about the homecoming school dance 2 weeks from now. I never cared about it simply because I never had a partner to go with. I mean, I have Alya and she's probably going with Nino and I'm definitely not going to become the third wheel, yet again.

"Come on, don't be stupid! I'll even ditch him for you, just please don't skip out on such an amazing day!" Alya whined and whined for hours, trying to convince me to change my mind.

I sighed.

"You always say that. Besides, who says I'll be free anyway?" I tried to persuade her to drop the subject but her being the stubborn person that she was, she just wouldn't budge.

Alya rolled her eyes, "busy being the couch potato you always are?"

I narrowed my eyes at her in offense while she shrugged her shoulders.

"It's a one time thing! You won't die, I promise!"

I sighed once again.

"I'll think about it, okay? Now drop the subject."

"Think about what?" Asked a voice from behind me.

Alya was about to take initiative in talking when I sent her a glare. I already have one person bugging me about it, I don't need 2 more people to join in.

"Nothing, just some girl stuff," I answered Adrien with a nonchalant look.

Alya then clamped her hand around my mouth and said,

"Why don't you take her to homecoming?"

Adrien froze.

"Well.. I'm not going," he shrugged, "not that I'd mind going with her," he mumbled to himself although I still managed to hear.

I bit Alya's hand and she yelped back in pain.

"I'm not going either. Alya just won't take no for an answer," I glared at her, making her say back a "you know you love me."

I shook my head before I walked to class with them following behind.

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