How It Started

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Kaya's P.O.V 

I was in my cell lying on my bed and it was the same thing everyday. Sit here and rot. I heard the door open and I got up. I saw two guards and I looked at them confused. 

"Prisoner 183 please turn around," They told me. I shook my head and backed up. I'm a mute. I couldn't speak but I could hear them. My birthday isn't till next week. 

"Please hand out your right arm," They told me. I threw my pillow at them and shoved them away. I ran out of the room and ran down the hall. I bumped into someone and looked at them. 

"Kaya?" Clarke asked. Clarke was my best friend. She got taken away by hiding some secret. 

"Clarke," I mouthed. I saw the two guards and I guess her's came out and we ran.

"Clarke! Kaya! Stop!" We turned around and I saw her mom Abby.

"Mom?" Clarke asked in shock. She hugged us and we hugged back.

"Mom, what's going on?" Clarke cried.

"What is this?" I signed to Abby.

"They're killing us all aren't they? Reducing population to make more time for the rest of you," Clarke asked Abby. I looked at her in confusion then at Abby. 

"Clarke. Kaya. You both are not being executed. You're being sent to the ground, all 100 of you," Abby told us. 

"What? But it's not safe," I signed to her.

"No. No. We get reviewed at 18," Clarke told her. 

"The rules have changed. This gives you a chance to live. Both of your instincts will tell you to take care of everybody else first, just like your father, but be careful. I can't lose the both of you, too. I love you both so much," Abby told us. She was like a second mother to me. The next thing I knew, a dart hit me and I felt dizzy. I fell to the ground and darkness consumed me. 

I woke up next to Clarke and saw a wristband on me. 

"Welcome back," I heard. I saw Wells next to me and I looked at him in confusion. 

"Wells?" I mouthed. Clarke woke up next to me and I realized I was in between them.

"Wells, why the hell are you here?" Clarke asked him. I looked at the both of them in confusion and decided to listen to the both of them. 

"When I found out they were sending prisoners to the ground. I got my self arrested. I came for you."

The ship we were in shook and everyone freaked out. 

"What was that?"Clarke asked. 

"That was the atmosphere," Wells told us. 

His dad appeared on the screen and I looked around. He started to speak about sending us to the ground because of our actions. 

"Your dad's a dick Wells," Someone shouted. I glared at the person and some people laughed. We continued to watch it until someone was floating in the air. People cheered for him and I looked around confused. 

"Check it out. Your dad floated me, after all," The guy said. I knew of him. His name was Finn and he was arrested for going out into space. 

"You should strap in before the parachutes deploy," Wells told him. 

"Hey, you two, stay put if you want to live," Clarke said. I tried to say something but a squeak came out instead. 

"Hey look! The little mute is trying to speak," Someone said. Everyone laughed at me and I looked down. The ship was rocky and then something felt like it hit us. Finn fell towards us but the two idiots hit the wall and dropped.I held onto my seat belt and Wells and Clarke were yelling at each other. I wanted to scream but I couldn't. 

Once it stopped we all looked around and we all unbuckled. We went to the two boys and I saw Finn checking on them. 

"Finn is he breathing?" Clarke asked. He shook his head and we went down. 

"Stop! The air could be toxic," Clarke said.

"If the air is toxic, we're all dead, anyway," The guy said. I had to admit, he was kinda cute but we had enough going on right now.

"Bellamy?" I saw a beautiful girl coming down form one of the upper levels and she went up to the guy.

"My god, look how big you are," He said. She gave him a hug and Clarke and I looked at each other before looking at them.

"What the hell are you wearing, a guard's uniform?" The girl asked Bellamy. 

"I borrowed it to get on the drop ship. Someone has got to keep an eye on you," Bellamy told her. She gave him a hug once more and he chuckled. 

"Where's your wristband?" Clarke asked him.

"Do you mind? I haven't seen my brother in a year," She said. Once she said brother, it hit me. Octavia Blake. The girl they found hidden in the floors. Octavia was about to attack them but Bellamy held her back. I pushed Clarke behind me and I looked at them. 

"Octavia, no. Octavia. Let's give them something else to remember you by," Bellamy told her. 

"Yeah? Like what?" She asked him. 

"Like being the first person on the ground in a 100  years."

Once Bellamy opened the door, the air wasn't toxic. It was breathable. I saw a bright light and the color green. Octavia walked out a bit and took in a deep breath. I stared at the woods in awe and she walked out a bit more. She took a step onto the ground and yelled. 

"We're back, bitches!"

Author's Note: This is my first story on Wattpad so I hope you guys like it!

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