Finding Octavia

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Kaya's P.O.V

We were looking at the woods and someone found something. Bellamy went down and grabbed the item. 

"It's hers! I'm going all the way down," Bellamy said. I went down and Jasper did the same. Finn came down last and I saw fresh blood and a footprint. 

"Someone else was here," Bellamy told us. 

"The prints go deeper going that way,"Finn said.

"Like they were carrying her," I said.

"If they took her, she's alive. Like they took me," Jasper said.

"We need to hurry," I said.

We walked to where the footprints went and I saw some skeletons hanging.

"I don't speak grounder... but I'm pretty sure this means keep out," Finn said. 

Some people started to leave but my eyes were still on the skeletons. 

"Go back if you want. My sister, my responsibility," Bellamy said before walking. I followed him and we walked through the skeleton pathway. I walked next to Bellamy and he held my hand. 

"Scared?" He asked me. I let go of his hand and shook my head. 

"No. I've been through worst," I told him. 

It became day time and we didn't see anything.

"Hey, where's John?" I heard. I looked around and then at Bellamy. 

"Spread out. He couldn't have gotten that far," Bellamy said. I heard a thud and I saw John's body all bloodied up.

"Oh my god. They're in the trees," I said.

"Now can we go back?" Roma asked.

I saw some grounders surrounding us and Bellamy grabbed my hand. 

"We should run," Finn said. We all sprinted out running and we didn't look back.

"Come on Kaya," Bellamy said. 

"I can't run much longer," Jasper said.

"I'm not stopping for him!" Diggs said.

"Fine. I will," I said going back to Jasper.

"What the hell are you doing Kaya?" Finn asked me. 

"Fighting. They know where Octavia is," I said.

"Diggs? Where are you?" Roma yelled. We all ran again and I saw Diggs dead.

"They're leading us to their traps," I said. We ran to find Roma and I was ahead of the boys. 

"Kaya! Stop!" Bellamy said. I stopped once I saw Roma's body with a spear threw it. Bellamy came next to me and I closed her eyes.

"She only came because of me," Bellamy said.

"They can kill us whenever they want," Finn said.

"Then they should get it over with! Come on!" Jasper yelled. 

"Shh. Jasper! You want us to die?" I asked him. Jasper continued to scream and I saw a grounder. I loaded with my bow and saw them coming. I was ready to release it but the horn blew.

"They're leaving," Bellamy said. The horn blew again and we looked around.

"That horn. What does it mean?" Jasper said. 

"Sounds familiar," I said.

"Acid fog," Finn said. We grabbed the parachute and got under it. We waited a bit and I looked around. 

"How long are we supposed to wait?" Jasper asked.

"Will this even work?" Monroe asked.

"We'll find out," Finn said.

"No we won't," Bellamy said before checking. When we got out, there was no fog.

"Maybe it was a false alarm," I said. I saw a grounder running and I looked around. 

"They're coming back," Bellamy said. 

"But there's no other grounder," I whispered. 

"I think he's alone," Jasper said.

"Now can we run?" Monroe asked.

"He doesn't see us. I'm going after him," Bellamy said. 

"I'm coming with," I said.

"And what? Kill him?" Finn asked.

"No. Catch him. Make him tell me where Octavia is, then kill him," Bellamy said before leaving. I followed him as well and we followed the grounder to a tunnel. We got in and saw Octavia. I saw the grounder on the floor and I looked at Bellamy who was hugging Octavia. 

"How did you find me?" Octavia asked. She hugged Jasper then me. 

"Followed him," Jasper said.

"We should go. Now. Before he wakes up," Octavia said.

"He's not going to wake up," Bellamy said before grabbing a sharp spear. 

"Bellamy wait," I said kneeling down to the grounder. 

"He didn't hurt me. Let's just go," Octavia said. I picked up the horn and looked at it carefully. There were markings on the horn and I tried to figure it out. 

"They started this. Kaya. Move," Bellamy said.

"Foghorn," I said looking at the horn. 

The next thing I knew, the grounder shot up and stabbed me in the side I screamed in pain and I fell down. 

"Kaya!" I heard. I groaned in pain and I heard Octavia yelling. I then heard a thud and I groaned. 

"Kaya! Stay with me,"Bellamy said. He picked me up and we all got out of the cave.

Clarke's P.O.V

I was in camp with Raven and I heard someone shouting my name

"Hey. I'm here. What's up?" I asked. Bellamy walked in with an unconscious Kaya.

"Kaya. Kaya?" I ran up to them and checked Kaya's pulse. 

"She's alive," I said. Some guys took her away from Bellamy and I stared at Kaya.

"Bellamy wouldn't let me take the knife out," Jasper said. 

"No, that was a good call. Get her in the dropship now. Go!" They brought her in and I watched them go. 

"Clarke, can you save her?" Finn asked me. 

"No. Not me. I need my mother. I need to talk to her," I said.

"There's still no radio," Raven said. 

"There has to be. I am not losing Kaya! You need to fix it," Bellamy said. 

"Raven, go fix it now!" I said. Raven ran out and I went to the drop ship. They lied her down on the bed and I checked on her. 

"You're going to be okay Kaya. I promise," I said. 

"How is she?" Octavia asked. 

"I don't know. I don't have anything," I said. 

"She needs to be alright," Octavia said. 

"Don't give up on me Kaya," I said.

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