Still A Bad Person

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Kaya's P.O.V

I kept running to the point where I couldn't run anymore. I saw that I was near the creek and I kept running. I heard noises and I followed it. I saw everyone and I smiled. I felt a sharp pain graze my side and I fell down and I heard noises.

"Who was that?"

"Was it a grounder?"

"Oh my god. Kaya?" I heard a familiar voice. I opened my eyes and saw Octavia.

"Hey Octopus," I smiled.

"Get her inside now!" Octavia said.

Jasper came over next to me and I put my arm around him. We went to the dropship and he settled me down on the other side of the room.

"Kaya?" I saw Bellamy and I smiled.

"Hey. Where's Octavia? I need her to check my side," I said.

"I'm right here," Octavia said running in.

"Check to see how bad it is," I said. I lifted my shirt up a bit and she looked at it.

"Deeply grazed," She said.

"I guess I got lucky. Can you clean it up and wrap a bandage over it?" I asked.

"Yeah. Hold on," She said. She went to go get the materials and Bellamy held my hand.

"Did I miss anything?" I asked.

"No. What happened out there? Myles said you got kidnapped by grounders," Bellamy said.

"We were. They wanted Clarke to save a little girl. Sadly she died and they decided to kill Finn as punishment. Clarke and I escaped but she tripped on a trap and I had to keep running. Now, I need to go back for her," I told Bellamy.

"Kaya, no. It's not safe," Bellamy said.

"I don't care. Clarke's my best friend practically my sister. I can't leave her out there," I told Bellamy.

"I get it but we need to be smart here. There's very few of us and Murphy's here. We need to think for a moment," Bellamy said. I nodded and I leaned against the wall. Octavia walked over and started to wrap up my bandages.

"You feeling okay?" Octavia asked me.


"I'm surprised you're still alive," Octavia said.

"Me too," I told her.

She left once she was done and I leaned against the wall and Jasper came up and I smiled at him.

"Hey," I said.

"Hey. How come you aren't down with Myles?" Jasper asked me.

"I like my privacy. Plus, before he was shot, he was a bit annoying," I told Jasper.

"Understood," Jasper said grabbing the gun powder and going back down.

I heard a ruckus downstairs and I heard the door close. I looked down and grabbed my knife. I looked down and saw Jasper by the ladder looking up. He shook his head and I stared in confusion. He looked back at whoever and I listened closely.

"You try to be hero Bellamy, Jasper dies," I heard Murphy said. I wasn't shock but I was ready to go down. I lied down and Jasper was still looking up.

"What are you looking at?" I heard.

"Nothing," Jasper lied.

"You're lying. Who else is here?" Murphy asked.

"Kaya," I sighed and Murphy came over.

"Come on out mute," He yelled. I climbed down but almost fell due to my side. Jasper caught me and Murphy aimed the gun at us.

"Murphy you piece of shit," I said.

"Say one more word and I shoot you in the mouth," Murphy said. I glared at him and he tied me up first and then Jasper.

"Well, well, Bellamy. Looks like I got your little girlfriend too," Murphy said through the radio.

"Lay one finger on her," Bellamy said.

"Or what? You'll kill me?" Jasper asked.

"More like she'll kill you," Bellamy said. I smirked and Murphy looked at me. I got out my knife from my back pocket and slowly cut the ropes. I looked at Jasper and he looked at me.

The next day, Murphy kept us captive and I saw Myles dead. I may have not been fond of him but he shouldn't have died.

"Murphy, if you even touch Jasper or Kaya, I swear to God, you're dead," I heard Octavia yell from the other side.

"No promises on that," Murphy said before looking back at us.

"Murphy, I know you can hear me. All our ammo and food is in the middle level. You know that. You're leaving us vulnerable to an attack. I can't let that happen," Bellamy said through the radio.

"Yeah, well, in case you haven't noticed, you're not exactly in control right now," Murphy said. 

"Come on, Murphy. You don't want to hurt Jasper or Kaya. You want to hurt me," Bellamy said. Murphy looked over towards Jasper and I again.

"So what do you say? How about you trade them for me?" Bellamy asked.

"No," I heard Octavia say faintly. 

"All you have to do is let them go, and I'll take their place," Bellamy said. 

"How?" Murphy asked.

"Simple. You open the door, I walk in, they walk out," Murphy stood there thinking about it. He was leaving us in anticipation. 

"You have a choice Bellamy, Jasper or Kaya? It's unfair if two go out and one comes in," Murphy said.

"Let Jasper free," Bellamy said. Smart move Bellamy, I thought to myself. Murphy then opened the door. 

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