Saving Another

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Kaya's P.O.V

I was outside of the wall with my bow and arrows and I was looking around. I started to walk around until someone grabbed me around the waist. I was about to scream but they covered my mouth.

"Relax Kaya. It's me," I heard Bellamy say. I turned around and sighed.

"I hate you sometimes," I said. He chuckled and kissed me on the lips. I kissed back until I pulled away.

"What are you doing out here?" He asked me.

"Hunting for food. We need as much as possible," I said.

"It's not safe for right now. Come back inside with me and you can lead a hunt later," Bellamy said. I looked back and then at the wall.

"Kaya, you've been working non stop since the virus. You need to rest," Bellamy said.

"Fine," I said defeated. We walked back inside and the next thing I knew, the meat house was on fire.

"Octavia," Bellamy and I said before running. She ran out and we pulled her to the side.

"Are you okay?" Bellamy asked her. She nodded and I pulled her away more from the fire.

"This is all your fault! We told you it was too much wood," Murphy yelled. I looked and saw him beating up Del. Bellamy broke it off and I looked at Octavia.

"Bell, now what the hell are we gonna do? That was all the food," Octavia yelled.


The next day, I was looking for any survivable and edible food but they were all burnt.

"Bellamy, there isn't any left. We have to hunt," I said walking towards him and Clarke.

"Bellamy, she's right. Anyone we can spare goes out," Clarke said. We were about to walk away but Bellamy grabbed my hand.

"The whole grounder army out there?" Bellamy asked us.

"Bellamy. We can't defend ourselves if we're starving. We'll starve to death before the grounders can kill us," I told him. He nodded in agreement and we went to the drop ship. I grabbed my bow and arrows and counted them.

"How much do you have?" Clarke asked me.

"Twelve arrows. That should be good enough," I said.

Everyone was getting ready and I sling my quiver around me.

"No one stays out after dark," Bellamy said. I looked up and walked over to him.

"Be safe," Bellamy said.

"I will. If I'm not back before dark, don't freak out," I said.

"Kaya-" I cut him off with a kiss and he pulled away.

"I'll see you before dark," I said running out.

I walked out and Clarke came over to me.

"You wanna join us?" She asked.

"I'll join you but I'm gonna be farther away from you guys," I said.

"That's fine," She said. Once we walked out, I looked around.

"Clarke, try finding nuts or anything with seeds. We can grow it at the camp. For meat, kill the oldest and not the youngest. The oldest is done with their life, the youngest can grow up, reproduce, you know," I said.

"Got it," Clarke said. I walked around and found some nuts and berries. I put them in my bag and walked out. I heard yelling and I looked back and started to run back. I found Clarke and and Finn unconscious and I saw grounder standing over them. The next thing I knew, I saw blackness.

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