The Fog

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Kaya's P.O.V

Jasper was moaning loudly and everyone was complaining. I started to walk out more into the woods.

"Kaya. You wanna help us?" Clarke asked me. I smiled and shook my head.

"Suit yourself," She said. I walked around a bit more and I was enjoying the view. I heard something hit the tree and I jumped in shock. I looked around and saw Bellamy, Atom, and a little girl.

"Kaya? What are you doing here?" Bellamy asked. I shrugged and he walked over to me.

"You shouldn't be out here," He told me. I sighed and Bellamy just looked at me.

"You wanna join us?" He asked. I shrugged and walked with them. I saw them with a little girl with blonde hair and I smiled at her a bit. 

"Is she the mute?" The little girl asked. My smile faded and I looked away. 

"Don't call her that, Charlotte," Bellamy said to her. I looked over at Bellamy and gave him a small smile.

"Sorry," She said. We walked around looking for food until I heard a loud horn. I looked around until letting my eyes land on Bellamy. 

"What was that?" I mouthed to him.

"I don't know," Bellamy answered me. Suddenly a yellow fog started to come quickly.

"Run," Bellamy yelled out. We all ran and Bellamy lead us to a nearby cave.

"Come on," He yelled. We let Charlotte go in first and then he let me in.

"Bellamy!" I heard Atom yell. I ran back out and pulled Bellamy in.

"You okay?" He asked me. I nodded and looked at him.

"I'm okay too," He said. We went deeper into the cave and we went to a part where we could rest up. Charlotte lied down on top of the rocks and I lied down on the bottom.

"I'll take first watch," Bellamy said. I shook my head and pulled him down next to me.

"You want to take watch?" He asked. I shook my head and he looked at me in confusion.

"What do you want me to do then?" He asked. I took out his hand and wrote the word rest on his palm.

"You want me to rest as well?" He asked. I nodded and we lied down. I faced my back towards him and closed my eyes.

"No!" I woke up to see Charlotte screaming. Bellamy got up as well and we went next to her.

"Charlotte, wake up," He  told her.

"I'm sorry," She apologized.

"Does it happen often?" Bellamy asked her. She sighed and I put my hand on her shoulder.

"What are you scared of? You know what? It doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is what you do about it," Bellamy said.

"But... I'm asleep," Charlotte said. I smiled at that comment and looked at Bellamy.

"Fears are fears. Slay your demons when you're awake, they won't be there to get you when you sleep," Bellamy said. I smiled and patted Charlotte's shoulder before going back to sleep, since there was nothing I could say.

Bellamy's P.O.V

"Yeah, but... how?" Charlotte asked me.

"You can't afford to be weak. Down here, weakness is death, fear is death...Let me see that knife I gave you," I said. Charlotte handed me the knife and I held it up.

"Now, when you feel afraid, you hold tight to that knife and you say, screw you. I'm not afraid," I said before handing it back to her.

"Screw you. I'm not afraid," Charlotte repeated. I smiled at her and she said it again.

"Slay your demons kid, then you'll be able to sleep," I told her.

"Are you afraid of anything?" Charlotte asked me. I looked at Kaya who was sleeping  before looking back up at her.

"No. Now go back to sleep," I told her. She nodded and went back to sleep. I lied down next to Kaya and I noticed she was shivering a bit. I wrapped my arm around her and went back to sleep.

Kaya's P.O.V

I woke up to see someone's chest and their arms around me. I looked up and saw a sleeping Bellamy. I slowly got out of his grip and went to the entrance. I saw it was clear and I ran back. I woke up Bellamy and Charlotte and they looked at me. I pointed outside and Bellamy got up. He put on his jacket and we all walked out.

"Anyone out there?" He shouted. We waited and heard nothing.

"Jones?" Bellamy yelled.

"We're here!" I heard. We walked out and saw three people. I looked around and we went to search for Atom. I stuck with Charlotte and I saw Atom with bad blisters. Charlotte screamed and I wanted to. Charlotte screamed again and I hugged her making sure she wasn't looking.

"Kaya," I looked over my shoulder and saw Bellamy. He looked down at Atom and he ran down. Charlotte went down as well and she handed Bellamy the knife. I went down with them and grabbed Charlotte's hand.

"Kaya. You and Charlotte go back to camp," Bellamy said. I looked down at Atom and then at Bellamy.

"It'll be fine," Bellamy told me. I shook my head and looked at Charlotte and she walked away. I walked next to Bellamy and looked at him. I felt someone looking at us and we turned around to see Clarke. She walked over to us and looked at the guy.

"I heard screams," Clarke said.

"Charlotte and I found her," I signed.

"I sent Charlotte back to camp," Bellamy said. Clarke looked at him and shook her head. I held Bellamy's hand and Clarke hummed a song to calm him down before killing him. I shut his eyes and looked at Bellamy. We walked back to the camp and I went to help Clarke.

"Kaya, I need you to make the medicine. Can you do that?" Clarke asked me.

"Yeah. Just give me the seaweed," I signed. She handed me the bag and I went to go make the medicine.

"Octavia, just stay there. Please, stay back," Bellamy said to her. I watch her see Atom's dead body and walk away sad. Bellamy started to fight Murphy and I stared in shock.

"Kaya. The medicine," Clarke said. I snapped out of my daze and looked at her. I nodded and went right onto the medicine. Once I was done, I ran back in and gave it to Clarke who gave it to Jasper. I sat next to Monty and patted his back.

I drank some of the whiskey and I was leaning against Octavia who did the same thing.

"Can I, uh, get a hit of that?" Jasper asked. I smiled and we got up. We went over to him and smiled.

"Was it a dream or did I get speared?" Jasper asked. I smiled and looked at everyone. We all surrounded him and he went back to sleep.

"I'm glad he's okay," I signed to Clarke.

"Me too," She said.

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