The Fallen

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Kaya's P.O.V

I didn't see Wells and I started to get worried. I went to look for him and I went outside the camp. I looked around and saw someone lying on the floor. I went to them and saw it was Wells and there was blood coming out from his neck. I gasped in shock and I ran back. I bumped into someone and saw Clarke.

"Kaya. You okay?" She asked. I shook my head and dragged her to Wells. She looked over and gasped.

"Oh my god," She said. I started to cry and I hugged her.

"Come on," She said. We picked him up and dragged him back. Everyone looked at us and they were in shock.

"What's going on?" Bellamy asked. He saw who we were carrying and he came down.

"We need to bury him," Clarke said.

"Help them out," Bellamy said. Some guys took Wells for us and I watched him go. I started to cry and Clarke hugged me. I hugged back and we went to see him get buried.

Once it was over, I was helping out with Jasper and I saw Bellamy helping out with some people. I smiled at him and Octavia and I walked to the gate with Jasper.

"Come on Jasper," I signed to him. I watched Octavia walk out until she got kidnapped. I stared in shock and we ran to her. Some guy came out and I glared at him. I pushed him to the floor but Octavia stopped me.

"Let's just help out with Jasper okay?" She said. I nodded and we went back to Jasper who tripped.

"Jasper," Octavia said. We ran down and he was looking at something. I stared at confusion and I walked over to it. I saw a knife from the dropship and Wells' fingers. I stared in shock and Octavia pulled me back. Jasper took the knife and the fingers and we ran back.

"Clarke, we found something," I signed to her. We ran to Bellamy's tent and showed her the knife and the fingers. I stood next to Bellamy and I was still in shock.

"This knife was made of metal from the dropship," Clarke said.

"What do you mean?" Jasper asked.

"Who else knows about this?" Bellamy asked us.

"No one. We brought it straight here," Octavia said.

"Clarke," Jasper asked.

"It means the grounders didn't kill Wells. It was one of us," Clarke said.

"So there's a murderer in the camp?"Jasper asked in a worried tone.

"There's more than one murderer in this camp. This isn't news. We need to keep it quiet," Bellamy said. I looked down and I sighed. I looked at Jasper and Octavia and they patted my back. I saw Clarke walk out and we followed her.

"The grounders killed Wells, not me," Murphy protested.

"I know what you did and you're going to pay for it," Clarke said.

"Really?" Murphy asked.

"Bellamy, you really believe this crap?" Murphy asked him. I walked up to Murphy and slapped him in the face.

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