Saving Her Again

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Third Person's P.O.V

The others tried to cover up the dropship from the storm. Kaya lied on the bed unconscious while Raven tried to get a signal from the Ark to help her. Clarke tried to do as much but there was nothing she could do. Just as they got a signal, Clarke ran to the microphone. 

"Mom? Mom, it's me," Clarke said. 

"Clarke?" Abby said with happiness. 

"Mom, I need your help. Kaya got stabbed by a grounder," Clarke said. 

On the Ark, Kane stood there with a shock expression. 

"Kaya? As in my daughter?" He said. 

"Clarke, this is the Chancellor. Are you saying there are survivors on the ground?" Jaha asked. 

"Yes. The Earth is survivable. We're not alone. Mom, she's dying. The knife's still in her chest," Clarke said.

"Clarke, is my son with you?" Jaha asked. 

"I'm so sorry. Wells is- Wells is dead," Clarke said. Jaha looked over at Abby and Kane before walking away from the communication monitor. 

"I'm gonna talk to you step by step," Abby said to her daughter. The storm interfered with the storm and Octavia brought in the moon shine. Bellamy and two others came back with the grounder and he automatically went to Kaya.  

"How is she?" He asked. 

"Not so well," Clarke answered.

"What the hell are you doing?" Octavia asked her older brother. 

"It's time to get some answers," Bellamy answered. 

"Oh, you mean revenge?" Octavia corrected him. 

"I mean intel. Get him upstairs," Bellamy said. Bellamy kissed Kaya's forehead and he left. They cleared the room but on the highest level, Bellamy was getting ready to torture the grounder. 

Kaya's P.O.V 

I saw I was in a bright room and I saw Wells. 

"Wells?" I asked. 

"Hey Kaya."

"We missed you," I said crying. I hugged him and he hugged me back. 

"I missed you both. You can speak now though," Wells smiled. 

"Because of Bellamy," I said. 

"You like him?" Wells asked. 

"Maybe. I don't know. He's still a jerk," I said. 

"He maybe. But I've seen he way he looks at you. He likes you," Wells said. 

"I want to stay here," I said. 

"They need you down there," Wells said. 

Then, everything started to go blurry. I looked around before looking back at Wells. I tried to grab his hand but I couldn't. Wells disappeared and I was now staring at Clarke, Raven, and Finn.

"Kaya, I need to get that knife out of you, okay?" Clarke said. Finn and Raven were holding me down and I looked at Clarke. 

"Good plan," I said.

"Kaya, you can't move. Got it?" Clarke said. I nodded and she started to take it out slowly. I screamed in pain and she took it out. But something hit the dropship and I fell on the floor. I groaned in pain and I looked at them. 

"It's out. She did it," Raven said. 

Third Person's P.O.V 

After Clarke stitched up Kaya, she went to go tell Bellamy the news. Once she climbed up the ladder, one of the 100 got in her way. 

"Get the hell out of my way," Clarke said. 

"It's okay. Let her through," Bellamy said.

Clarke looked at the grounder and then at Bellamy. 

"Well, if he didn't hate us before, he does now," She said. Bellamy brought her to the side away from the grounder and the others.  

"Who cares. How's Kaya?" Bellamy asked worriedly. 

"Your girlfriend is alive. His people will care. How long until they figure out where he is? And what happens when they do? I mean, when they come looking for him? They will Bellamy," Clarke said. 

"Relax, princess, and Kaya, she-she isn't my girlfriend," Bellamy said. There was another thud from the dropship. 

Raven and Finn was downstairs trying to get a signal again until Kaya started to seizure. They tried to get help but nothing. Kaya had foam come from her mouth and they had to turn her to the side. Clarke and Octavia got into the top and they tried to find the antidote. 

"I got a plan," Bellamy said going up to the grounder. 

"Bellamy no," Octavia said.  

"Kaya is dying! I am not going to let her die like this," Bellamy yelled. Octavia tried to save both the grounder and Kaya but nothing. Bellamy cut a rope and cut the grounder's shirt. That was when the torturing began.   

Octavia finally had enough. She cut herself with the knife and got the answer. She gave them the antidote and Clarke and Raven ran downstairs. They gave some to Kaya and Bellamy climbed down. 

"How is she?" Bellamy asked.

"Fine. Do you want to talk to her?" Clarke asked. Bellamy nodded and Clarke left.  

"Kaya. Please don't leave me. I'm sorry for the times I mistreated you. I don't know how to react to this kind of stuff. Kaya, when you wake up, I want to start over with you. I think it's because... I like you. So much," Bellamy said to her. Little did he know, she was listening.

Kaya's P.O.V

I woke up to see Bellamy and I smiled. Bellamy looked over at me. He smiled over and I reached my hand out for him. 

"Hey you," I smiled. 

"Hey," He said sitting next to me. 

"I heard what you said back there," I said as I ran my fingers through his hair.

"You did?" He asked. I nodded and he held my hand.

"So what do you say? Fresh start?" He asked. 

"I liked that," I smiled. He smiled back at me and kissed my head. 

"I like you too," I whispered. 

Bellamy went to check on outside and Clarke came over to me. She smiled at me. Clarke walked over towards me before grabbing a wet cloth and dabbing my hot forehead with it. 

"Hey you," She said. 


"How are you feeling?"

"I can still breath," I tell her. Clarke chuckled a bit before I placed my hand on top of her's.

"That's good," She tells me.

"I saw Wells. He misses us," I tell her. 

"He does?" Clarke asked me. I nodded before yawning. I closed my eyes to fall back into a deep sleep.

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