Fair Fights

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Kaya's P.O.V

I woke up to see I was alone. To me, that was good. I slept on the highest level alone and I climbed down. I saw Wells and his wristband was off.

"Wells. What the hell," I signed to him.

"They took it off. Bellamy and his gang took off my wristband," He told me.

"Those jerks," I signed.

"Don't beat them up. Finn or Clarke isn't here to protect you," He told me.

"I can take care of myself," I signed to him. I walked out and saw Bellamy and his gang. Bellamy looked back at me and I walked away. I climbed up a tree and looked around. I saw people running around, some people making out, and some relaxing. I saw Wells walk back with some clothes and I jumped down.

"Need help?" I signed to him.

"It's fine Kaya. Come on," He said. We walked back and a guy stopped us.

"Hey, where'd you get the clothes?" The guy asked.

"Buried the two kids who died during the landing," Wells told him.

"Smart. You know, I'll take it from here. There's always a market for-," The guy said trying to take the clothes. Wells pushed him off and took a step back.

"We share base on need, just like back home," Wells told him.

"You still don't get it, do you, chancellor?" Bellamy asked walking out of a tent shirtless and a girl followed. I rolled my eyes as they kissed and I looked back as the girl walked away.

"This is home now. Your father's rules no longer apply," Bellamy said taking something from Wells. Wells tried to get it back and the guy tried to stop him.

"Oh, no,no Atom. Atom, hold up. You want it back? Take it. Unless you want her to fight it off of me," Bellamy said looking at me. I glared at him and Wells threw the clothes down. The other people grabbed it and I rolled my eyes.

"Is this what you want? Chaos?" Wells asked.

"What's wrong with a little chaos," Bellamy asked. I heard screaming in the distance and we ran over. I saw Murphy holding a girl over the fire and I stared in shock.

"Bellamy. Check it out. We want the ark to think that the ground is killing us, right? Figure it'll look better if we suffer a little bit first," Murphy said. Wells ran over to him and pushed him off of her. I looked at Bellamy with pleading eyes.

"Please don't do this," I mouthed slowly for him to understand. He looked at me for a little bit before walking to Wells.

"You can stop this," Wells told him.

"Stop this? I'm just getting started," Bellamy said. I helped the girl up and she took a few steps back. Murphy punched Wells and everyone was chanting. I pulled Murphy off of Wells and punched him in the face. I kicked him again and punched him once more. Murphy punched me in the nose and I fell back. I held my nose and I felt someone help me up.

"You alright," Bellamy asked me. I shoved him off and I walked to the side. Wells started to beat up Murphy and then looked at Bellamy.

"Don't you see you can't control this?" Wells said. I saw Murphy take out his knife and I stepped in front of Wells.

"You're dead. Both of you."

"Wait," Bellamy said once he saw I stepped in front of Wells. He held up a knife and gave it to Wells.

"Fair fight," Bellamy said. He took me away from them but I tried to go back.

"Do you wanna die?" Bellamy asked. I looked back at Wells then at Bellamy. I nodded but his arms were still wrapped around me.

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