Fighting For Our Lives Pt. 2

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Kaya's P.O.V

"Clarke, they're taking down the gate," I heard. I looked up from helping Clarke with Raven.

"Good. Because I did it... I think," Jasper said. 

"I'm closing that door!"

"Wait! We've still got people out there," Clarke said walking over. 

"And Bellamy's not back yet," I said following her. I looked over at a gunner.

"Hand me the gun," I said. He handed me the rifle and I aimed at the open area.

"All right, Jasper, get everybody, get inside now!" Clarke yelled. I started to shoot at the grounders coming in, dodging some arrows.

"There he is!" I heard Finn yell.

"Bellamy?" I looked over to see him far away.

"Bellamy, run!" I yelled before shooting at the grounders. I saw one grounder fight him but some other grounder ran over to me. I shot at the grounder but Finn started to run after Bellamy. Bellamy started to fight the grounder as I tried to shoot more grounders. 

"Kaya, you can't save everybody," Someone told me. They started to pull me back making me scream in disbelief. 

"No! We have to try!" I yelled before they dragged me in. 

"Hold her down!" I heard Clarke say. 

"But they're still out there," I protested. Clarke closed the door making me cry a little. I saw the Grounder princess come in making me stare at her with anger. She took out her knives as we all aimed our guns at her. 

"Jasper, now," Clarke said. Jasper flipped the switch but nothing happened.He tried to do it again and again but nothing.

"Anya, you can't win," Clarke said. The sounds of the grounders, trying to get in grew louder. She shouted as she tried to kill us. Two of the gunners, hit her with the butt of their guns, making her fall and drop her weapons. 

"Kill her!" They said.

"Stop! She's already down!" I yelled.

"Stop it!" Clarke said. I moved her swords as Clarke got everyone to back up.

"She deserves to die," I heard. 

"No!" I yelled before grabbing his wrist.

"We are not grounders," Clarke said. 

"Hit her one more time, I hit you ten times harder," I threatened.

"Let this work," I heard Jasper say. The dropship shook making us fall down. I heard the grounder yell making me look over at the door.

"Bellamy," I whispered. 


We walked out to the camp but saw a bunch of ash, bones, and weapons, covering the surrounding area. I started to tear up as I looked around.I went to the area where I saw Bellamy last, only to see bones. I started to cry but a red thing was thrown to me and Clarke. Red smoke was coming out of it and more of it was being thrown to us. I coughed as the fumes was taking over me. I fell onto the ground and coughed. The only thing I saw was the red smoke before darkness overwhelmed me. 

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