Saving Her

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Kaya's P.O.V

I was walking next to Clarke and I looked around. There were a lot of trees and dirt. Is this what Earth was mostly like before we left it?

"Hey, hold up. What's the rush? You don't survive a spear through the heart," Bellamy said.

"Put the gun away Bellamy," Wells said.

"Well, why don't you do something about it, huh?" Murphy said shoving Wells. I walked behind him and looked at Bellamy. His hand with the gun was raised a bit and I placed my hand on top of his. He looked at me and I lowered it down. He continued to stare at me until I walked back to Clarke.

"Jasper screamed when they moved him. If the spear struck his heart, he'd have died instantly. It doesn't mean we have time to waste," Clarke said.

"As soon as you take this wristband off, we can go," Bellamy said mentioning the wristband.

"The only way the ark is gonna think I'm dead is if I'm dead. Got it?" Clarke said. I stood next to her and Bellamy looked at the both of us.

"Brave princess and tough mouse," Bellamy said.

"Hey, why don't you find your own nickname? You call this a rescue party? Got to split up, cover more ground. Clarke come with me," Finn said. I followed them and Bellamy stood next to me.

"What do you say mouse? You and I look around?" He said. I shrugged and he smiled at me.

"So how long have you been a mouse?" He asked. I held up one finger then added another one.

"Twelve years? So you weren't a mouse?" Bellamy asked. I smiled and shook my head.

"What happened?" He asked me.

"Mom," I mouthed to him. I then pretended to slit my throat with my finger and he frowned.

"Mom died?" I nodded and he put his arm on my shoulder.

"Guess we have something in common," He said. I nodded and we continued to walk.

Clarke and Finn found Jasper's goggles and I put them on. We looked around next to the creek and we looked around. I heard a moan in the distance and I put the goggles on top of my head. We ran over to the noise and I saw Jasper tied up to a tree covered in blood.

"Jasper?" Clarke asked. I walked quicker than the rest but I fell. I gasped in shock but someone caught me. I looked up and saw Bellamy. He pulled me up and I fell on the ground.

"Thank you," I signed to him.

"She said thank you," Clarke said hugging me. I hugged back and we got up.

"You gotta be more careful next time," Bellamy said. 

I looked there and Finn went to go get him down along with Murphy. As they cut him down, I heard a growl. I looked and saw a panther. I took a step back and Bellamy pushed me behind him. We looked around and then the panther jumped out. Bellamy pushed me to the ground but the panther fell to the ground after a bang sound. I saw Wells clicking the gun a few times before dropping it.

"Now she sees you," Bellamy said. Bellamy looked at me and then helped me up.

"You okay?" I nodded and looked at the panther. I stared in shock and Clarke came over to me.

"Kaya. You okay?" Clarke asked me. I nodded and she hugged me. I looked up at Bellamy and smiled. We got Jasper down while Bellamy and Murphy picked up the panther. 

We brought the panther by night and we brought Jasper to the drop ship. I stood outside as Clarke went to help out with Jasper. I looked at Bellamy who looked back at me. I walked back inside and helped them.

"Need help," I signed.

"No. It's fine. Go eat," Clarke said. I nodded and walked out. I saw people taking off their wristbands for food and I walked away. I sat far from everyone and I looked down at my wristband. I heard someone come by and I saw Bellamy sit next to me.

"Hey," He said. I saw he had food and I shook my head.

"I'm not going to make you take off your wristband. You've been through a bit too much for one day," He said handing me the food. I took it and started to eat.

"Are you ever going to take that off?" He asked me. I looked down and shrugged.

"If you are going to take that off. Let me know and I can help," He said. After I finished my food, I looked at him and looked back at my wristband.

I got up and started to head back. I heard Jasper moaning and I stopped. I sighed and walked somewhere else. I lied down and closed my eyes. The sound of Jasper moaning in pain was loud but distant.

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