Fighting For Our Lives

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Kaya's P.O.V

As Clarked helped with Raven, I was making sure everyone was getting ready. I watched as everyone had the things they needed or could carry. I had a pack with a blanket and some other things. Since I lost my bow and arrow, I would need to make a new one later and soon. I waited for everyone to leave. I saw Bellamy and Clarke together. I watched as Bellamy put the fire out. He walked over to me and looked down at me. 

"Ready?" He asked me. 

"Let's go," I said.

It felt like forever. Walking was a hustle. I didn't say anything throughout the walk. We stopped in the middle, making us look around.

"Grounders!" I heard Jasper yell. 

"Go back!" I yelled. 

Everyone started to run back.

"Kaya go!" Bellamy said. I looked back at him but everyone was moving so fast. We all went back to the dropship. I saw Bellamy, Clarke, and Octavia run inside. They got on top of the gate and I did the same.

"Where are they?" Bellamy asked looking around.

"Why aren't they attacking? I mean, they just did," I said.

"Because we're doing exactly what they wanted us to do," Clarke said.

"What are you talking about?" Bellamy asked her. She turned around to look at Finn.

"Lincoln said the scouts would be the first to arrive," Clarke said. 

"If it's scouts, we can fight our way out," I said.

"That's what Lincoln would do," Octavia said.

"We're done doing what that grounder would do," Bellamy said, jumping down. I got down as well. 

"We tried it and now Drew is dead. You two want to be next?" Bellamy asked us. 

"That grounder saved our lives. I agree with Octavia and Kaya. For all we know, there's one scout out there," Finn said. 

"One scout with insanely good aim," Jasper said.

"Clarke, we can still do this," Octavia said.

"Looking to you, princess. What's it gonna be? Run and get picked off out in the open, or stand and fight back?" Bellamy asked her. Clarke thought about it. She looked outside of the gate before looking back at us. She got down but Finn went up to her.

"Clarke. If we're still here when Tristan gets here-"

"Lincoln said scouts. More than one. He said get home before the scouts arrive. Finn, they're already here," Clarke told him. She turned over to Bellamy.

"Looks like you've got your fight," She said. 

"Okay, then. This is what we've been preparing for. Kill them before they kill us. Gunners, to your posts. Use the tunnels to get in and out. From now on, the gate stays closed," Bellamy said. 

I took out my knives while Octavia pulled out a sword like blade. Octavia and I started to walk out but was stopped by Bellamy.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. You're not a gunner," He told us.

"No, we're not. Like you said... we're grounders," Octavia said. 

"We'll be fine. I promise," I tell him before giving him a kiss. He stopped me again, making me look up at him.

"Be careful. Watch over Octavia," Bellamy told me. 

"I promise," I said, cupping his cheek a bit. I left with Octavia and we ran. We went to the hole and looked around. 

"All foxholes, listen up. Keep your eyes and ears open. Inflict casualties, as many as possible. You can hold them off long enough to make them turn back. That's the plan," Bellamy said in the radio. 

We waited until it was very dark. I looked around but Octavia nudged me. I looked over at her, giving her my attention.

"I'm going out," Octavia said. 

"What? No. I promise Bellamy I'd watch over you," I said. 

"Then come with me," She said. 


"You said that you told Bellamy that you were going to watch me. Then technically, you wouldn't be breaking your promise," Octavia said. 

"Fine. But I'm coming back for Bellamy later," I said. 

"Come on," She said. We got up and ran off. 

"Octavia, where are we going?" I asked. 


Some grounders saw us making them pull out their weapons. Octavia stabbed one of them, first. I threw one of my knives at their necks. They dropped their weapon, letting me take it. I used it against the rest of the remaining grounders. 

"Bellamy!" I told Octavia. We ran back to the foxhole and I saw we were under attack. I jumped down to the grounder chocking Bellamy and stabbed it's neck. He fell onto the ground, releasing Bellamy.

"I have to admit. This is more useful than guns," I tell Bellamy, out of breath. 

"Kaya," I heard. I turned around and saw Octavia fall. I quickly caught her but got down as well from the arrows.

"No! She's hit," I tell Bellamy.

"Miller, fall back, now. Can you walk?" Bellamy asked Octavia. He got to her side and helped her up a bit.

"Can you walk?" He asked her. She nodded as she tried to stand up more. She almost fell back down as she stood up.

"Oh. Hey. Hold onto me," Bellamy said putting her arm around his neck. He carried her up and I looked around. 

"Let me get you behind that wall," Bellamy said as he moved.

"I'm out of ammo!" Bellamy said.

"Kaya, you have to get out of here," Bellamy told me.

"Like hell I am," I tell him.

"Kaya, go back to the camp. You're much safer there," Bellamy said. 

"I can't just let you and Octavia out here alone," I said. 

"It's okay, Kaya. Go and be safe," Octavia told me. 

I saw a grounder come over making me get up. I ran over and started fighting it. I swung the sword at the grounder before stabbing them completely. I kicked them down and stabbed them once more. 

"Go!" I told Bellamy. 

He picked up Octavia until I heard an explosion. I looked up to see something coming down. I looked closely to see that it was the Ark. I looked back to see Bellamy and Octavia gone. I looked around for them before running back to the dropship. I saw Clarke there who ran up to me.

"You're okay," She said before hugging me.

"Can't get rid of me that easily. Did you hear from Bellamy yet?" I asked.


"Bellamy and Octavia are still out there, and I have to go back," I said. 

"Kaya no. Go back inside the dropship. Maybe they're on their way here now," Clarke said. I looked back but Finn started to drag me back.

"No!" I said. 

"Kaya, there's no time," Finn told me. 

"But Bellamy and Octavia," I said. 

"Will be fine. Now come on," Finn said. 

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