Chapter 4

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I laid around with heart monitor lines hooked up to me. They monitor my heart beat. I was reading a magazine when Lindsay walked in. My childhood friend and doctor.

"Well your looking hotter as ever" I said smirking at her. She smiled at me and hit my arm. Lindsay is a brunette with blue eyes. She's very beautiful. She was my friend since we were in elementary school. Our mothers are great friends. I'm happy to have her support through this.

"Stop this is serious. I got your reports and they are not good" she said worried looking at me.

"He'll be fine right" my mom said from the side. I looked at Lindsay but there was no hope.

"It's a critical condition. He needs a heart transplant. There are no donors so far. Any type of hard physical movement is going to weaken the heart. I need him to be careful. Him having asthma doesn't help either" she said sighing. She wasn't finished.

"He needs to stop physical movement of any kind. We only have a few months before his heart completely fails." She said and there it was. I closed my eyes and tears rolled down my face as did my moms. I grabbed her hand and opened my eyes.

"It's gonna be alright" I whispered wiping her tears away.

"I'm sorry joe" Lindsay said and I shook my head and smiled.

"It's not your fault" I said softly to her. She nodded and wiped her tears. She started taking the heart lines off of me. I sat up and put my shirt on. I got up and she hugged me. I hugged her back and kissed her cheek. She hugged me tight and I smiled.

"I'm not going anywhere right now chill out poopy head" I said laughing and she laughed too pulling away.

"I told you to never say that ever again. Don't say it I mean it" she said glaring and pointing at me.

"Um sorry to interrupt but I was told to come to this room" a voice said and I ignored it as I put my jacket on.

"Oh you must be Demi. I was expecting you. Why don't you have a seat." Lindsay said and I turned around.

"Hey dem dem" I said smiling at her. She groaned and rolled her eyes. She put her head in her hands and groaned. I laughed and turned my attention to Lindsay.

"I won't be home today so you can come over at like 12 in the morning" I said kissing Lindsay's cheek and leaving with my mom.

"Bye babe" I said looking at Demi and winking she started looking for something to hit me with but I ran out laughing.

"Stop bothering her like that. Your never going to get her like that" my mom said signing a form on the way out.

"I don't want her I just like seeing her annoyed" I said laughing and my mom shook her head and smiled. I got in the car and drove home.

"We'll its five so I'm going to head over to their house" I said mentioning the dinner we were invited to.

"Go with me" my mom said and I shook my head

"I have some things to do first. You take your time and come" I said going to take a shower and change. I came fresh out of the shower in a few minutes changed and headed out the door

"Bye mom" I said and walked calmly across the street. I rang the bell and Dianna opened it.

"Your cook is here" I said and smiled. She got confused.

"I'm having the dinner so I should cook why you?" She asked confused and I walked in

"Because I thought I could learn a few cooking tips from the sweetest women on this block." I said and she smiled at me.

"Ok come on into the kitchen" she said and I followed her.

"So what are we thinking?" I asked her and she frowned at me

"I don't know" she said and I sat on one of the chairs.

"Well I know how to make lasagna, pizza, pasta, ratatouille, escargot, crepes, and meatloaf" I said counting what I know and I smiled at her

"Wow I can't wait to try them" she said smiling at me and I nodded

"That's why your going to just watch while I prepare and before you say no way I will say yes way" I got up and sat her down.

"But-"she said and I shushed her.

"You just relax and watch the master at work" I said and I started humming while I gathered the ingredients. I started and Dianna wouldn't stop insisting so I let her do some while I looked around the house. I was singing when someone came and tapped me on the shoulder

"Woah" I said getting scared.

"You know you should tell someone before you enter a room" I said shaking my head at her. I started looking at the things and went back downstairs ignoring every word she said. I still had my apron on so I went into the kitchen while singing. I started rolling the pasta dough as Demi was still talking about who knows what.

"Honey why don't you go play or something. The grow ups are cooking and your voice sweetheart is very very much not needed in here" I said calmly and went back to rolling. I heard her gasp and I tried not to laugh. She groaned loudly and went outside. After she left her mom started laughing and so did I. After a few minutes of rolling I cut them up and layered them on the pan and layered meat then the dough meat then the dough. Repeating the process until it was done. I popped the lasagna in the oven while Dianna put the meatloaf in the oven as well. We high fived each other and smiled. We started setting up the table.

"Thank you so much you made tonight so much easier." Dianna said putting the plates down.

"It's no problem. I cook in my house too." I said smiling and putting everything in its place. Then I went to the stairs.

"Dinners ready kids" I said and walked back to the table and by that time my mom arrived.

"Welcome wonderful lady" I said kissing her cheek.

"Denise your son is so sweet" Dianna said to my mom and I hugged Dianna

"Aww thanks girlfriend" I said and we started laughing. We were all sat down at the table. We dug in and started eating laughing and having a good time but someone was missing. Demi. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Where's Demi?" I asked with a bite in my mouth and I looked at Dianna and she tensed up.

Well I know its boring but promise its going to get better. Vote and comment please. Keep voting for Demi in the VMAs for female video. Thanks for reading guys!

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