Chapter 31

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Joe POV *few days later*

Demi decided she wanted the wedding by the end of this months precisely 2 weeks. I dont know what happened but im not complaining.

"babe its time to go to the fitting" demi said walking out of the bathroom looking beautiful as ever. I nodded and went to see if abigail was ready, she wouldn't let me help her get ready so lets see what she has done.

"abby you put your dress upside down and the shoes are all mixed up" I said trying to contain my laughter so I dont hurt her feelings.

"I spents 2 whole hours trying to put it on, daddy being a girl is stupid" she pouting giving up sitting on the floor. I chuckled and made my way in.

"no its not I dont know why its not just ask mommy ok, let me help you" I said taking the dress off. she had her legs through the part where you have your arms and she tightened the strings together on top infront of her. It was hard getting the strings unraveled but other than that it took 10 min to get her ready,  boy were we late. I tied the last of the string in a bow at the bottom of her dress and carried her downstairs as demi was on the phone.

"yea my daughter just had trouble getting ready so we are late im so sorry we will be there in 10 min, ok thank you so much, see you later." demi closed the phone and brought her arms in the air to just have them fall to her side

"abby what took so long?" she questioned calmly as we walked out the door.

"the dress was being difficult I swear I thought I looked beautiful but the dress made me confused, im sorry mommy" she said and demi kissed her forehead while she strapped her in her seat.

"its okay, thats a funny story" demi said giggling.

We arrived there earlier than we expected.

"miss if you will just follow me and sir to the right" the lady said and I looked at demi wiggling the eyebrows. She rolled her eyes but smiled.

Half an hour later.

"ok sir seems to me it fits, do you want to change your mind or add anything to it?" he asked taking the pins off, I was about to say no but then got an idea.

"actually I have one thing in mind I would like to get something embroidered on the back." I said and he nodded, paying attention to what I was saying also writing it down

"I will have it ready by next week,  congratulations and have a good day" he shook my hand and walked out while I followed. Demi was still not out and abigail was sleeping on the couch. 10 minutes later she popped out with a huge smile on her lips.

"ok lets go thank you so much for listening" she turned to the lady and gave her a hug. We left but on the way home Demi stopped at a few food places.  I didnt mind she was hungry, I could see her hesitate when she oredered but I told her its no big deal.

"joe can you get abigail out, she's to heavy when she sleeps"demi said smiling and I nodded. I took her out and put her on her bed. it was 8 o'clock and it was the weekend, I needed to start booking gigs since we will have another baby in the house. I talked to demi about it and she agreed.

"I cant wait to get married I will be a jonas" demi squealed changing her clothes and me along with her.

"yea im excited I cant wait for you to be officially mine even though you are still but you know what I mean" I said hugging her from the back as she hung up her clothes. She spun and kissed me but I deepened it. We both pulled away and sighed, she put her head on my chest as I moved up sideways just listening to the silence while it lasts.

"im not tired" demi said and I nodded kissing her head.

"what do you want to do?" I asked as she removes her head from my chest and looks at me eye leveled, she bit her lip. She reached and started to kiss me. I led us to the bed and laid us down so that I was on top of her. She wrapped her arms around me neck and I knew what she wanted to do. We both took off our clothes but the next second our lips met once again.  I traveled down to her neck

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