Chapter 7

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Demi POV

I tapped my pen on my book as I waited for the professor to dismiss us but he kept talking and talking. I looked at my watch and then at sterling he was sleeping so I took my chance. I looked over a marker in my bag and thought about if I should do it. I probably shouldn't he will get mad. I sighed and put it back. Darn it sterling. I smacked him instead and he stood right up.

"Yes Mr. Knight?" the professor said and I widened my eyes and watched as sterling struggled for an answer.

"Um nothing I just wanted to say what an amazing lecture you are given on the life of water" he said then thinking about what he said. He bit his tongue cause that's not what he was talking about.

"Thank you Mr. Knight but that's not what I was talking about if you would pay attention instead drooling half the time maybe you will not fail your next quiz" the professor said and I felt bad for him. He sat back down as there were a few chuckles. I looked at sterling and he just put his head down.

"I'm so sorry" I said to him and he didn't look up at me. He was really hurt. I just looked at him. Remembering the first day we met it was the same situation but in elementary school.

We were 3rd graders around the time and sterling was new. I didn't talk to him cause I was too shy one day at recess I was about play on the swings. I saw sterling and about two 5th graders. They were poking an laughing at him cause he has braces and "girl hair" I don't know what came over me but I went up to them and shouted at them but that didn't help my situation they started picking in me too. Saying I was fat and that I'm not good enough. I didn't cry I stood there looking at them with sterling gone. Later two teachers came and stopped the boys they were sent to the principals office.

"Are you alright?" I asked the kid and he nodded.

"I'm Demi" I said smiling with my few teeth full mouth.

"I'm sterling" he said smiling

"Wanna go play on the swings?" I asked sterling and he nodded and we both ran to the swings. From then on we were inseparable we had play dates and our moms became good friends. We even went to a few vacations together.

I was brought of my thoughts when the professor yelled.

"Huh?" I said and looked at the professor. I looked around the room and it was empty.

"You may leave now. It will help if you didn't day dream" he said walking out of the room I gathered my stuff and walked out. Sterling wasn't there either. I guess he's pretty mad. It wasn't my fault. He didn't have to stand up when I smacked him. I groaned and started walking home.

"Mom?" I screamed through the house and I hung my jacket in the closet and put my books upstairs. I didn't hear anything so I went into the kitchen and saw her on the phone talking. I smiled and wrapped my arms around her and kissed her cheek I then went to the fridge and ate an apple. I waited for her to get off the phone.

"Yes yes that will be all. Just send it to the family restaurant" she said I spun around from the fridge when I heard her say the restaurants name. I got curious as to what she could have been doing with the restaurant. She got off the phone.

"Mom what's happening?" I asked and she got confused

"What?" She said and later she realized what I was talking about.

"Oh I'm I mean we are fixing the restaurant up" she said smiling and now it was my turn to get confused.

"But we barely have money it all goes to bills your just adding stress to yourself" I said leaving the apple and going to her.

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