chapter 29

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I woke up when I felt no one beside me. I opened one eye at a time when I heard someone puking their guts out. I felt bad for her so I got up to help but by the time I reached she was done and already cleaning her mouth.

"hey baby" I kissed her head and hugged her from the back

"ill make breakfast you just stay in bed" I said releasing her so she could finish brushing. She just nodded as she rinsed her mouth, she smiled at me and walked away. I started to use the bathroom to get cleaned up

I walked out a few minutes later and I saw demi crawled up in bed sleeping. I mentally smiled and went downstairs to get abigail up.

"abby dabby you better be up" I said knocking on her door and opening it to see her putting her shoes on. I laughed cause her hair was a mess and didnt look like she brushed her teeth or cleaned her face.

I took her into the bathroom and cleaned her properly.

"why did I have to clean up couldnt I just go to school its not like I care" she said grumpy

"your mom cares and I do too we want you to be clean for school" I said kissing her head and taking her to the kitchen

"what do you want to eat?" I asked her

"chocolate chip pancakes please" she smiled with some of her teeth missing. I prepared her food and she ate while I gathered her backpack and my car keys. I started on making her lunch and putting it in her backpack

"thanks daddy" she said as she took the backpack from my hands and put it on

"anything for you" I said tickling her as she squealed but I stopped when I remembered demi was sleeping

"shh mommy is sleeping lets go or your gonna be late" I said quietly going to the car with abigail. Someone pulled into the driveway, who could it be at this time. When the person came out of the car I smiled and was in disbelief.

"sterling man what's up havent seen you in forever" I gave him a hug

"nothing much I was in town so I thought I would check up on you guys, you guys didnt move far its like next door from demi's house" he said laughing and I nodded

"she didnt want to leave long island and I didnt want to either so here we are, I have to drop her off to school so i'll let you in demi is sleeping but you could wake her up she needs cheering up" I said heading back and opening the door

"thanks bye abby have a good day" he said and closed the door.

I drove to her elementary school and dropped her off. I decided to get something for demi so I went to the grocery store and got a few things.

I walked into the house and put the grocery away. I made demi her breakfast which was toast and egg with orange juice. I also made some for sterling walked up to our room and saw demi and sterling hugging on the bed

"hey guys I brought breakfast" I said walking over as they seperated. I didnt mind them hugging or cuddling they were friends way before I met her so its cool and im marrying her and she loves me so I dont need to be jealous do I?

"thanks joe" demi said smiling at me weakly

"are you ok you look so weak do you want to go to the doctor" I asked sitting on the bed while sterling sat on the floor eating

"can we after breakfast I dont feel so hot either" she said and I nodded cuddling with her now.

"thanks for the breakfast man its delicious" sterling said his mouth filled with pancakes.

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