Chapter 16

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A year later

Demi POV

I smiled as I zipped up my suitcase. I'm done. I'm free. I squealed as I walked through the halls with my suitcase. Everyone gave me a congratulations or just a wave and a smile. I signed myself out and went through the doors. I spent my birthday, New Years, Christmas every holiday in there but I'm determined to stay healthy and out of this rehab center.

The day I fainted was the day I was diagnosed with anorexia so I was forced to go and I kind of did want to do treatment. I was then diagnosed with bulimia, depression, and bipolar disorder. When they told me all the things I had I thought I was a screw up They helped me learn to love myself all the doctors I can't thank them enough. I was so scared believe me it's not an easy thing. Everyday was a struggle in there I knew I was worth it and deserved it. I knew I could get through it. Not at first but gradually I did. I'm now 25 and stronger than ever.

The center is in Chicago and that's where I am now. I got to the airport because I know that my flight was in half an hour. I talked to my mom yesterday and worked it out. I'm so excited to start fresh.

I go through customs and I hear screaming, what the hell. I try to see what it is but no luck. I shrug and walk to my terminal and go ahead finding my seat. I found it and sat down. Window seat sweet! Someone sat next to me I was too busy fixing my shoes cause the laces were untied. I was wearing jean shorts with a light brown shirt and dark brown long cardigan.

I tried to look at the person but he was facing the other way. He has black curly hair and that reminded me of joe and his brothers. No I didn't forget about him who forgets their first love. I shook my head trying to forget. All of a sudden my phone rang it was my mom.

"Hello yea I'm on the plane. So Dallas is gonna pick me up? ok yea bye" I closed my phone because the speaker lady said we were lifting off. I stayed awake to see us lift off but soon my eyes shut because I didn't get sleep last night I was too excited.

"Demi wake up" someone said shaking me and I opened my eyes. Immediately I moved back. Nick?

"Hey we landed" he said getting up and leaving. I stepped out of my trance and collected my stuff. I lost him when I got off. Thank god. I turned my head and saw a girl screaming running towards me but flew by me. Her poster read One Directuon. I saw all the girls running towards me. I walked really fast outside trying to find Dallas and I soon did. She was looking the wrong way I decided to surprise her. I snuck up behind her. I poke her sides and she screamed and then she looked at me and screamed.

"Your tan!" she exclaimed and I nodded.

"Wonders eating does for ya" I said cracking a joke. She didn't know if she should laugh.

"Oh come on I'm joking I'm not gonna be all sensitive about it. I'm better and it's not gonna bother me. It's alright to laugh about it" I said and she stared at me. I laughed and put her in the passengers seat. I wanted to drive to get a hang of it again. I was about to pull out when someone sped by me. I honked the horn and shouted out the window. Good to be home.

"Sorry!" whoever it was shouted. I scoffed and drove off. We reached there in about an hour. The airport was in Queens.

We got out of the car and I looked at the house across from me. A moving truck was there. Neighbors exciting. I shrugged and went to my house.

"Demi!" my mom screamed hugging me. I hugged her back getting teary eyed. I haven't seen her in so long. I pulled away and laughed while cleaning my eyes.

"Ah family's back together" Dallas said and we turned around facing her. I put my arms around my moms shoulder and Dallas's shoulder.

"It feels so good" I say and we laugh.

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