chapter 24

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Demi POV

We went to a restraunt to celebrate instead of a club cause we were all too tired for that. The entire night I was thinking should I tell him. I mean I should he has a right. He is a great man I still love and trust him. why do i even have to think about this. Even though we were sitting across from each other the others didnt know we were ever together and tonight I dont need to be asked questions

"so joe where are you from?" lauren asked him

"well born and raised in florida but moved along the way, I used to live in long island" he said quickly looking at me then moving away. They didnt know I ever lived I long island so he has nothing to worry about.

"well where do you live now?" perrie asked, always peppy.

"oh I live in fort worth I bought a house down there 3 years ago" joe said and my smile dropped he moved forever so when I go home I wont be able to see him. He wont be able to see his own daughter. The room was getting hot and my eyes were tearing

"excuse me" I smiled and walked away to the bathroom. I breathed out and tears were about to come but I held them in.

"demi whats wrong?" perrie said coming in

"perrie how can he move all the way to texas" I said and realized she had no idea what I was talking about. I decided to come clean since we will be on tour for a long time together.

"I used to live in long island the same time joe did. We were going out and broke up. The day after I left him I wasnt feeling good and well a few days we broke up we did it and I took a test it said I was pregnant. I couldnt find him the next day. I couldnt tell his family because I was scared and alone, I have a daughter, abigail, and he's the father how am I going to have him in her life if he's all the way over here?" I shook my head and put my hand on my head.

"whoa I dont know what to say but calm down okay everythings going to be fine have you told him?" perrie asked and I shook my head.

"I was going to but we got interrupted" I said facing her

"well then tell him and im sure you will work something out. Tell him right now" perrie said and courage built into me.

"ok alright ill do it" I said walking out to the table as I inched closer I got more nervous.

"joe can I talk to you outside" I said and grabbed my jacket I ignored everyone and walked out putting my jacket on.

I paced back and forth as I waited for joe

"oh joe your here hey" I said and swallowed

"yea hey whats up?" he said putting his hands in his pockets

"well how do you feel about being a dad you know like what would you think?" I said playing with my hands

"well im not getting any younger so I would love to have a kid but why are you asking me this" he said confused but I felt like he knew and didnt want to admit it

"well after the day we broke up I took a test and I was pregnant. I couldnt reach you where did you go?" I asked him to make him avoid the whole pregnant thing

"wait so we have a kid" he smiled and I couldnt help but smile myself

"yea but answer my question" I asked wanting to know

"well since you entered that video of me playing guitar I had to head out the next day to meet with Mr.Richardson why didnt you tell my family?" he asked

"well is was scared and heart broken I didnt exactly think everything through" I said scared all over again not knowing why.

"im sorry" I said starting to cry

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