Chapter 22

462 22 5

5 years later

Demi POV

"be still my heart cause its freakin out" I finished trying to catch my breath

"thank you guys for coming give a huge round of applause for our band and background singers" I clapped for them and then said goodbye. I ran backstage to take a shower and change. After I was done everyone else piled in the room saying good job. This was my first day of the neonlights tour. Ive been pretty busy making albums going on tours and everything. Its been amazing but I miss my family.

My phone starting ringing and I smiled seeing her face on my screen.

"hey baby" I said getting out of the room going somewhere else.

"I mwiss you where did you go?" her voice rings in my ears and my heart broke

"im sorry baby but im at work ill be home soon put your daddy on the phone" I said to abigail and she passed it over to her dad

"hey demi whats up my chica" he said his accent clear in his voice

"nothing just missing you guys I wish I could be there again" I said sad

"we are too we will come visit someday I promise babe I cant stay away from you I miss you" he said and I giggled

"me neither hey look I gotta go I love you" I said smiling

"I luv you too m-" abagails voice got cut off and I looked at my phone, its out of battery. I groan and head to the bus to get it charged up

"hey demi we are heading out for some food come with us" all the girls piled into the bus

"ok where?" I said fixing my hair

"Mcdonalds you know with a play place and everything" perrie said and I laughed with how childish she is

"alright lets go" we all head out and I take my phone and charger with me so I can charge it there. We walked and talked until we reached it. We ordered and mean while we were ordering perrie and camila went to the play place to play

"hey demi did you hear we are getting a new guitarist, Mikes taking a hike off this tour" jade said as we waited in line for the food

"what?! I love mike" I said sad all of a sudden this just isnt going well

"he said he wants to be with family because he hasnt seen them in forever" she replies and I raised my eyebrow

"how do you know?" I smirked at her and she blushed

"its not like that we just talk alot we can be friends like you and him" jade shot back I wasnt offended

"them why you blushing?" I said laughing at her

"because it was stupid that you would think that I swear nothings going on I have a boyfriend by the way" she said and I left her alone because she was serious.

"thank you" I said to the girl at the register as I carried 3 trays and jade did as well

"thanks for helping" I said to the rest of the girls. I went to go get perrie and camila, they were fighting over who goes on the slide first but I crushed their dreams and went on while they were bickering.

" ha I win now lets go food is here" I said while they started screaming at me. I just left them there. I stipped when I saw a plug I plugged in my phone and walked away

They eventually came and we all ate and then headed back. I went into my bus as they all went into theirs

I laid down and got all comfy when the bus started moving and I screamed. The bus stopped and I went to the driver.

"I left my phone at Mcdonalds its up the road can we please stop there" I said scared and he nodded heading to Mcdonalds

I got off the bus barefoot and I ran inside. I looked around and there was only this man and the workers. I ran to my ohone and unplugged it. Thank god no one took it. I opened my phone and I walked past the man. He was talking to someone and seemed mad. I stopped because I heard the voice before but I got interrupted

"is there a problem miss?" one of the workers asked and I looked up

"no I left my phone here but I got it back thank you though" I smiled and walked out forgetting the man

"thank you" I said and headed to the small bed. I finally felt relaxed and went to sleep.


"dem wake up we stopped for breakfast come on its your only chance till we reach dallas lets go" the voice who was ally pulled me by the arm waking me up I was groaning and she let go of my hand and I plopped down on the bed

"ok im up let me wake up" I said not realizing I didnt make sense. Ally laughed at me then hit me so I could get up I finally gave in. I fixed my hair and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes as we entered Dennys. We were all in our pajamas, whats the reason to change when your gonna go to sleep anyways after eating.

"did you hear we are going to meet the new guitarist when we reach dallas?" Jesy said and I just nodded

"how the hell do you guys know everything?" I asked frustrated

"well you would have if you werent asleep" ally replied

"you didnt have a problem waking me up for breakfast?" I glared at her and she scoffed

"well sorry if I thought you needed your sleep because you were working really hard im sorry I tried" ally said slamming her fork on the table and the other girls looked at us shocked

"im sorry im not a morning person please forgive me ally?" I said feeling guilty

"your forgiven, im done if you'll excuse me" she said getting out of the booth her plate untouched. I sighed and called for the waitress

"can I please have this packed separately" I said as she took our plates away to have them packed. I really didnt see the big deal in this at all, I was just grumpy, maybe she was too my concious told me. The girl came and handed me the food. I passed by all the girls and went to allys tour bus I left the food on the couch we had and went to her bed.

"ally im sorry" I said opening her curtain and I heard her sniffle.

"hey whats wrong?" I said getting concerned

"nothing just missing my grandpa" she said wiping her tears

"oh hun its alright he's looking down on you he's very proud of you. No matter what you think you did bad or that he doesnt have anything to be proud of, but he does. You are an incredible women. I know it sucks but its life you'll meet again one day" I said hugging her as best as I could in this tiny space.

"thanks" she smiled and stopped crying

"ok so I brought our breakfast come on im starving" I said pulling her out and going on the couch. The rest of the girls arent back yet. We finished our food and then I left to my tour bus to my own. On my tour bus was max and natalie. They stay with me because I said they could be instead of renting another bus.

"Hey Demi heard about the new band member" natalie asked and I nodded

"Max know his name. So max what is it?" she asked turning to him and I did too

"well his name is-" he started but then my phone started ringing but then it stopped. I went to look at it and abigails photo was there saying missed call. I smiled and was about to call back but there was currently no service.

"she's so cute" natalie said smiling and I looked at her smiling.

"yea she is I love her" I said putting my phone down and then sitting next to her. I looked outside as we drove by. It was so beautiful.


Hey guys!  so many questions? Who's the new band member? Who's abigail? THANKS FOR READING NOW GO COMMENT AND VOTE

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