Chapter 25

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I rolled over to pick up the phone that was ringing. I rubbed my eyes as the bright light came through

"hello" I said still sleepy

"Ms. lovato this is your wake up call" a man spoke and I opened my eyes and hung up. I got up because we all were supposed to go on the road again. We needed to be ready. I looked at demi sleeping and I went back to the bed shaking her

"hey demi lets go we have to get ready" I said as she turned over groaning

"what time is it?" she groaned and then coughed

"its 10 o'clock" I said and she started sneezing and coughing. I felt her head and it was hot.

"looks like your getting sick" I said and got off picking her up from her hands

"come on as soon as you get ready the more you'll get to relax" I said and swung her legs over the bed and on the floor. She stood up finally. She coughed in her hand

"go take a shower it'll help" I said kissing her head and she walked past me to the bathroom. She stuck her tongue out at me from the door and shut it.

"I need my clothes" she said coming out and passing by me again. I laughed at her. I caught a picture in her suitcase. I walked up behind her and snapped it out of the suitcase.

"joe give me that" she reached for it and I looked at it. It was me and demi in the picture booth at the movie theaters.

"well well" I said with eyebrow arched. She just glared at me picking up her clothes and leaving

"you suck" she said and slammed the door

"sorry" she said opening the door and then closing it again. I shook my head laughing. She got weirder. I looked at the picture one more time and put it back in the suitcase zipping it up.

"im going to my room ill meet you later I knew you missed me" I said walking out of the room and into mine.

"thanks for leaving me alone now come on feed me" blanda said with clothes all over the place even demi doesnt even have this

"what the hell blanda" I said picking them up

"we were here for only here for like a day we are leaving in an hour and you know how to make breakfast" I said aggrivated

"hey im sick of eating cereal" she said standing there and I felt bad

"ok im sorry why dont you clean up and ill order room service" I said going to her as she nodded smiling. I checked how much money I had about 200 see room service doesn't come with the deal of being on tour and staying at restaurants. I picked up the phone and ordered what ashley liked and some coffee for me. I looked around and it was finally clean. Blanda was in the shower so I had to find another one demi should have been done by now so I went to her room with my own clothes.

"hey demi blanda is in the shower so im gonna take it over here. I ordered room service so can you go iver there to make sure she eats it and ypu can have some too save the coffee thats for me" I said as I walked in and she was brushing her hair

"ok" she said and coughed. She left the room and I went into the shower. After a few minutes I came out and got dressed. I took all of Demi's belongings and brought them downstairs to the bus. I put mine and demis clothes we just took off into the washer hopefully they woulld be done by the time we leave we did have 30 minutes left. I went upstairs to my own room and saw them talking and eating

"demi I took your suitcase to the bus and the clothes you just took off too the laundry room downstairs. They should be done by the time we leave" I said sitting next to blanda and getting my coffee

"aww look at joe being all grown up" blanda said squeezing my cheeks. I swat her hand away

"thanks" demi said as she was on her phone and eating, she would cough and sneeze here and there. I went back to the laundery room after 15 minutes to put them in the dryer I set the time for 15 minutes. There thats done. Everyone now was in the lobby giving back their keys and talking about what we are going to do.

"joe, demi, me, natalie, and blanda will go in the same bus" the guy who I learned to be max said.

"but what about my car" I asked him

"do you have any relatives near by to come pick it up" he asked and I had nobody here except blanda and her family

"my brother can come pick it up" blanda offered and I nodded. She went to a corner to go talk to her brother.

"he said he will do it I told him where the key is" blanda said coming back and I nodded again

"now thats settled quiet down everyone be quiet" he screamed standing on a bench that was there.

"we gotta head to atlanta come on everybody its long but gotta get used to it we are gonna stop by a CVS so you can grab all your necessities including food we only have one stop before we reach atlanta" max said and we all headed to the bus

"hey joe find blanda and bring her to the bus its right there ok?" she said and I nodded. She kissed my cheek and left. I went to go find blanda and she was in the hotel in the corner.

"hey what are you doing let's go" I said and she shook her head

"no im not coming with you im going back home ive been on the road with you for 4 years I miss my family and its alot of moving around. I wanna settle in one place and plus you have demi now you dont need me" she said smiling but I knew she was sad

"blanda demi is not taking your place your still my favorite cousin and im not annoyed that you come with me so stop thinking and come on" I said but she didnt budge

"im flattered but still I wanna be with my family Im exhausted I love ya you know that I need to go back I have college I am 19 I do need a career I cant run around behind you. I need to be independent" she said standing like superman and I laughed. I understood what she was trying to say.

"I understand, stay safe and call me when you reach home with my car and your brother" I said and she rolled her eyes. She hugged me and I kissed her forehead and left. When I got on the bus I looked at her she was waving while still standing there. I took out my phone and called her

"miss you already" I said

"me too now stop it before I cry I love you" she said

"be safe I love you too" I said back as I hung up the phone.


Blanda was an extra character that I couldnt juggle with or do anything with so I took her out. I forgot I even had a chapter in the works. 3.7k reader's are you kidding me?!?! thank you guys so much! Thank you for reading! COMMENT AND VOTE

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