Chapter 23

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"Nick im driving to dallas" I said for the hundredth time

"why?" he asked and I sighed

"because they are all girls as far as ive heard I didnt want to be stuck with that for days and dallas is only 6 hours away from my house so its no big deal" I said as I sipped my midnight coffe at Mcdonalds. I didnt notice that anyone was ever here. I noticed when the door shut I turned around but was too late I shrugged and sipped my coffee as nick went on saying who knows what.

I walked out and got in my car continuing driving in half an hour I will reach hopefully before they get there so i have time alone before all the girl talk begins.

I drove and looked at my surroundings and her body shuffled in the front seat, I looked over to make sure she wasnt awake. She was the only girl or women I can handle right now. I stroked her arm as I drove.

Once I reached at the hotel I was staying at, that was paid by the record label. I checked in and got the key. I went back to my car to get her out.  I carried her bridal style until I got upstairs. I struggled with opening the door. 

"oh it looks like you could use some help" this blonde women came and helped.

"thank you" I said and went in closing the door

I laid her on the bed and went to sleep beside her. I was so tired.


I rolled over and didnt feel anything as my hand hit the bed. I decided just to get up anyways I had to get ready we have rehearsal in 1 hour. I got ready and ate breakfast.

"thanks" I kissed her cheek

"when should I come down?" she asked I promised her she can come

"in half an hour ok im gonna leave with a cab so you can take the car there ok" I said and she nodded smiling I smiled back and went to the car to get my guitar. I locked it, I put the keys in the mini compartment I made outside of my car it looks like its part of the car so no one suspects.

I called a cab and it came in 15 minutes causing me to be late which means they are already there. Way to make a good first impression.

I ran through the arena following signs to the stage. They were all set up and I ran to the stage and started to set up my guitar.

"nice of you to show up" an australian accent said and I looked up seeing somebody with pink hair turn around to face the voice also.

I didnt say anything I was too embarassed. They let the fans in and then an hour later we began

"alright here we go again start" the stage manager im guessing said and I remembered the notes I was given. I was here to do a job and I didnt know the name of the girl I was doing it for. We werent give any information even if I asked they said they werent aloud to say.

"I throw all of your stuff away and I cleared you out of my head" she sang and I looked down to make sure I was doing it right.

She messed up the words and there was a pause nobody stopped playing. The fans said the words I looked up but then saw alot of people and I looked back down. The rehearsal went on for about an hour I think. We were told to get off the stage because we were done.

I walked to the food and ate. I was eating chips when this girl showed up. She had a red clothes on and she had brown hair. She was tan and pretty

"hey im jade you must be the new guitar player its nice to finally meet you" she said with her accent it was cute. I shook her and chewed the chips

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