Chapter 26

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A few days later (march 15)

Demi POV

We are on our way to Omaha for our next concert and today is a big day for me. Its my 2 year sobriety anniversary and its been hard but I made it. Do you know what its like to abuse drugs and alcohol your surrounded by it. It's controlling, its all you think about when out with friends or just on a bad day. I decided one say I don't need it to control me because its my life mine.

"Demay" joe screamed and I looked up from my phone

"your are officially 2 years clean whoo" he pumps his fists and sits next to me and I smile at him but his fades

"im sorry I wasnt there when you needed me the most I could have helped you" he said holding my free hand

"joe its fine I think that this was a battle I needed to fight alone yes I did wish sometime you were there but I dont think I would have felt proud of myself if I didnt go through it alone you need to understand that none of the things that happened to me was your fault it was my own" I said leaning over and kissing.

"buddha demi is coming out again" Max said walking by

"guess what?" I said smiling at him so close to his face

"what?" he said kissing me and sat back even more so he couldnt do that again or I wont be able to to tell him.

"abigail is coming with wilmer!" I said so excited and happy. I watched as he smiled also

"wait when?" they should be at the hotel we are staying at by now. We are like 2 hours away from there" I said the longest 2 hours of my life

"thats so close" he said nervously

"what are you nervous about she's gonna love you just like I love you" I said smiling easing him a bit

"you guys talk for hours on skype she knows who you are why wont she love you" I said stating the obvious and he shrugged

"your right I dont kow what I was thinking I just- I feel like she loves wilmer more than me even though she's my daughter" he said and I rolled my eyes at him

"no she doesnt she doesn't even call him dad and he's been my friend longer than he has been her caretaker. Since I started this tour is when he actually took care of her alone. He could never hold her because his arm was broken he only looked at her and made baby noises. She has your blood she's our daughter shes gonna love you I know it. Now stop thinking about it we have 2 hours to kill before you meet her." I said still looking at him and he finally nodded

"good now I dont know about but im gonna take a nap" I said and I laid down, my head in his lap on the couch.

"here wait" he said getting up and making me get up he laid down first and then opened his arms so I could go in between. Much better and warm too.

"demi" somebody shook me and it literally felt like I just closed my eyes to sleep

"what" I whined and was about to cry you dont mess with me when I wake up or am sleeping

"we reached the hotel come on freshen up" natalie said and I opened my eyes and sat up straight

"abigail is she here?" I asked smiling looking at her

"I dont know we just reached you guys just head up to the room its 5H" she told us the room number and left I lookrd at joe smiling he was awake probably from my sudden jolt. I tied my hair into a bun

"lets go!" he screamed and I laughed getting up

"ill race you" joe said and we both ran out of the bus and in the hotel.

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