It All Begins Part 1

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It was a warm, sunny day in the city of Pantholo, located on the west coast of North America. Humans and anthropomorphic animals walked through the streets, minding there own business. Then a loud sound erupted from one of the buildings. Onlookers ran for their lives in fear of a possible terrorist attack.

If anyone stayed, they would've saw a figure walk out of the smoke and flames.

The figure turned out to be a 6 foot human man with spiked up blue-gray hair and a bushy mustache. He had goggles on his eyes, brown gloves, boots, and belt. The man was also wearing a blue shirt, black pair of pants, and was completed with a white lab coat.

The human was named Doctor Professor, a notorious criminal scientist known for robbing various banks and science labs. He was also known for his sick experiments with people and feral animals, often converting them into cyborgs to become his slaves.

He was holding a large suitcase with a biohazard symbol on it. As he began to walk downtown, the Pantholo Police Department arrived.

"Freeze!"said one of the cops, taking out a small handgun. The other officers took out their handguns as well.

The mad scientist merely sneered as he walked towards the officers.

"I said freeze!"

But Doctor Professor did not stop at all. As he walked straight towards the cops, they started firing at him. He smirked as the bullets bounced off of him. Soon they had stopped firing and stood there shocked. He wasn't even fazed!

"W-wha-what do we do n-now?" stuttered an anthro German Sheppard officer worried. "Bullets aren't doing crap!"

"Right you are my fuzzy friend" said Dr. Professor. "But I'm afraid this reunion will have to be cut short."

As he said that he took out a firearm. But this one wasn't a normal gun, this was a plamsa blaster, like in the movies. He aimed at the cop cars and shot a beam at it. Said vehicle exploded killing a human officer and mortally injuring the others.

However one officer managed to sneak away and come in from behind the criminal. He threw a left hook at the scientist's head.

The officer stood there holding his bleeding left hand in pain. What is this guy made of!?

"Nice try, but it'll take a lot more than that to even hurt me."

The officer tried to run away but he couldn't get more than 5 feet before feeling a hot, burning sensation on his back. He felt the heat travel to his legs and arms. The poor man screamed in pain as the skin on his back started to deteriorate, leaving his spine visible. But that soon disintegrated too as with everything else.

The last thing the officer saw was the laughing face of the sick and twisted, mad scientist before everything went black.

"So the shots have a different effect on living things? Who knew?" Dr. Professor questioned. He new he had to get the suitcase back to his lab before it unleashes an atomic explosion, something that not even he wasn't sure if he could survive.

"I have to get this thing to my lab quickl-"

All of a sudden a blur ran by the scientist, knocking him down. Dr. Professor slowly got onto his knees groaning in pain. Something fast and strong had hit him in the gut.

"Ouch. Alright, who has the balls to even take me on?"

The blur came back and stopped 15 feet in front of the scientist. The superhuman male looked up to see someone he did not want to see today.

"Well if isn't the superpowered boy himself. How ya doing Steven?" he said standing up.

The boy was human with brown eyes, dark skin, and black curly hair. The child seemed to be around 10 years of age. He was wearing a white T-shirt and blue jeans complete with red and black shoes.

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