Infernal Battle

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It was night time and half of the U.L.F. were sound asleep. The other half, meanwhile, were discussing some things. Nightmare had informed Tycrone on everything that had happened. The extrosaur was shocked. But he then nodded as he listened to Nightmare's plan of action. Fooling Noctis. And everything then on. Nicole said her side of the story. Like everything was normal then Noctis appeared and it all happened so quick.

Tycrone sighed when he listened to the death of Noctis. That marks one villain down. Now there were two left. The black pteranodons and Death Inferno. The latter which is still at large. The former is easy to track down.
The two atelerixians bid the extrosaur goodnight and went upstairs. Tycrone felt as if something was going to happen. He shrugged it off and went upstairs as well.
"Oh but Tycrone. If the others knew as well."
The next day started out normally. Tycrone dropping the piece of the neutron star onto Steven just to wake him up. The group eating breakfast. And some training.

Meanwhile a certain white furred atelerixian was noticing planets light years away have been disappearing. One by one hundreds of planets were being obliterated by some unknown force. And Albino had two suspects in mind. Either the black Pteranodons or Death Inferno.

He hurried to the others to inform them of the situation. "Guys, planets are being destroyed one by one."

Tycrone looked up from a newspaper. "What? Planets being destroyed?"

"How?" Steven spoke up.

"Just exploding out of nowhere. Its not natural obviously."

"So that's it huh?" Tycrone said putting down the newspapers next to him. "Looks like we have a planet buster roaming around. I'll take Steven and Aura. Nightmare stays here to defend Earth at all costs."

"Aww what?" Nightmare whined. He didn't like to be grounded. He wanted action. "Fine."

"Good now let's go you two."

"Hold up Tycrone!" Aura called from upstairs. "Let me change into my fighting outfit!" The day before Aura had purchased some martial arts clothing.

"Nope sorry. Take too long." the extrosaur taunted. He may have been patient. But there was a crisis at hand, he didn't like waiting at times like these. "Come on Steven, let's go."

The human followed Tycrone out the door. As they were five feet from it, Aura rushed down the stairs. "Dang it Tycrone! I said wait!"

The alien laughed. "That's what you get for being slow you know?"

"Girls naturally take too long. Now let's go."

And they were off into space.
A dark figure floated in space, looking over the rubble that was once a solar system. Oh so they are coming. How pitiful, they took the bait again. But it seems it'll be a while. Now then. The nearest inhabited planet is not far from here. I should cause some destruction there but not obliterate the planet. Just luring them into another trap. Hehehe.
Steven and the other two arrived to a planet. The continents were completely covered in green vegetation. The oceans were much more clearer than Earth's polluted sea water.

When they had touched down, it all seemed too quiet. Sure some bird things singing, and small creatures running through the underbrush. But other than that, nothing. There was a town not far away, however there was something strange. In the town, nobody was seen. Vehicles weren't moving, nothing.

"Did you see that guys?" Steven questioned. "There wasn't anybody in that town!"

"Yeah it was weird." Tycrone added. "Let's head there and see what's up."

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