Power Over the Elements

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It was now three days after the arrival of the atelerixians. They had gotten accommodated on Earth very quickly.

Nick was doing good in his new school while Nicole decided to go to Pantholo Middle School. Nightmare wanted to pass of as an adult due to his slightly deep voice. The atelerixian was only 14 years old but didn't want to go to take classes. He wanted to stay out on patrol. Albino stayed down in his basement. He was building something big, literally. He was the group's scientist, with an IQ of 297. Which is remarkably high for a 10 year old.

Steven was running around the city on his daily patrols. Tycrone was with him as always. Aura was in her room taking online classes.

It wasn't long before the Global Alarm System was activated.

Albino ran from his room to check what was going on. Aura had ran down the stairs as well.

"What's going on?" she asked.

"Reports of a monster spotted a few towns north of here. I'll contact the others."

Albino grabbed his communicator. "Steven, Tycrone, and Nightmare. There is a monster terrorizing a town north of here."

"Okay, which town is it?" Tycrone questioned.

"Nerennan Town."

"Got it, thanks Albino."

"Hey what about us?" asked the jackara next to him. "Surely we can do something."

"I'm afraid we can't do anything. Just let the others handle it."

"But what if it's weak? Then we cou-"

"Aura it says right here that it shrugged off a shot from a rocket launcher to its face."

The jackara looked down defeated. She only wanted to help. But if the creature was that tough then anything she could throw at it was useless. "Okay, I understand."

Albino put his cybernetic hand on Aura's shoulder. "Aura, I have no powers like you guys. I use brains not brawn. Maybe this time you'll have to stay out of this one for now. Alright?"

The jackara looked at him and nodded. "Yeah."

"Also shouldn't you be doing your 'school work'?"

Aura's red eyes widened as she realized that she had a lot of online homework that was due.

She then ran up stairs, leaving Albino alone. He merely shook his head in amusement.
The trio headed to the small town that Albino had mentioned. Whatever the monster was, it had to be strong enough to where it was on the G.A.S.

lol 'gas'

Anyway, the trio had arrived in the town very quickly. At first, there wasn't any destruction. That was weird.

Moments later they had heard what sounded like a battle.

They ran to the commotion. The sight was totally unexpected.

A human boy and a human girl, both had swords, were fighting the creature.

The boy had short, light brown hair. He was wearing a white shirt, blue jeans, and green shoes. His sword was serrated on one side, but was smooth on the other side of the blade.

The girl had black hair, she appeared to be Asian. Her outfit consisted of a black sweatshirt, white jeans, and black and white shoes. Her sword as a kitana, or a ninja sword.

The monster the two were fighting was an eight foot humanoid being. Its face had no nose, only to nostrils. Its eyes were small and sunken into its head. It had no neck. And the creature's body was like the Hulk, but instead of green skin, this thing had grayish white, armored skin.

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