Battle Against Santarius

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The three heroes charged at the Black pteranodon.

Steven ran circles around Santarius. The alien had tried to attack the insanely fast human. While he was distracted, Aura charged up a beam of pink energy, surprising Tycrone. As Santarius turned around, the jackara fired her energy beam at his face.

The black alien hissed as he felt the stinging, burning sensation. Santarius was punched in the stomach, kicked in the face, and blasted with a plasma beam in the chest. The Black pteranodon staggered back to avoid anymore beatings.

"An extrosaur?" he questioned. "I thought they were all but extinct."

"Guess again," Tycrone said. "I'm still here."

"Well if your entire race is gone besides you," Santarius said. "Your entire race is more or less extinct."

The extrosaur growled. He hated black pteranodons more than anything.

"Why do you want earth?" Steven spoke up.

The pteranodon general laughed. "Isn't it obvious? We want to rule the universe."

Aura gasped in shock as she heard the reptilian's plans for them. The young jackara slowly went behind Steven for protection, who was glaring at him just like Tycrone was.

"Like hell you're not!" the extrosaur called as he slammed into his foe.

Tycrone kicked Santarius in the chest and picked up a car and threw it into the black pteranodon.

Santarius wasn't fazed by the car as he merely stood there. The black pteranodon unleashed super heated fire from his beak at the three. The Ultimate Life Forms dodged the incoming attack.

Steven ran at his enemy only to be kicked in the chest and tail whipped into an office building.

Aura had fired more of her energy beams. Though they weren't effective enough. Santarius flew at the jackara, only to be intercepted by Tycrone.

"Aura! Get out of here now!" the red alien shouted, struggling with Santarius.

"No! I can't leave you two!"

"Just go!" Tycrone really did not want to argue at a time like this.

Aura's eyes watered up at the corners. She knew she had to leave her friends to this monster. The jackara turned and ran off.

Tycrone turned back to Santarius. Now things will get interesting. Both pterosaur-like aliens charged at each other. When they collided, the force was enough to destroy several city blocks. Tycrone winced at the destruction. He knew he had to take the battle elsewhere. So he grabbed Santarius and threw him hundreds of miles away.
Santarius landed in a forest. The result was creating a large 100 foot crater in the ground. And trees fell over due to the force. To most, the forest would have looked beautiful. But to the black pteranodons, this beauty meant nothing.

The general got up and analyzed his surroundings. A forest huh?

Tycrone landed 20 feet away. Both said nothing as they threw punches and kicks at each other.

Santarius tackled Tycrone and started to through punch after the punch. The extrosaur managed to shove the black pteranodon off of him.

Santarius then ripped a tree from it's place and threw it at his foe who merely dodged with ease. The black alien rushed at the red one and delivered a kick to his stomach. The blow was enough to send the extrosaur back 9 feet.

As Santarius began to charge up his fire breath, Tycrone formed water around his hands and launched them at the general's face. The water seemed to scorch the black pteranodon's face.

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