New Friends, New Enemies

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Three days after the attack on Earth by the black pteranodons, the Ultimate Life Forms were recovering from the attack.

Pantholo City was 40% destroyed. The black pteranodons certainly did a number on it. The Ultimate Life Forms had helped in the rebuilding of Pantholo. They were a really big help in it.

The city was completed in just a matter of days. By then the U.S. president had come to Pantholo City to discuss about the alien threat. Tycrone had told him about the black pteranodon's weakness.

Their weakness was water. The president had asked what kind of water. The extrosaur said that it was any: salt, fresh, cold or hot. Just as so long it's just complete water.

The president nodded in response.

"If they come back while we're gone, call the fire department."

This confused the president. "When you are gone?"

"Yes," Tycrone replied. "The three of us are going into space and try to save other planets from the black pteranodons."

The president nodded. He then got up, said goodbye and took his leave from the ULF headquarters.

Tycrone had manipulated the air around Aura's head so that she could survive in the vacuum of space indefinitely. Steven had said he was able to breath space for a while.

The Ultimate Life Forms had finally taken off into space with Tycrone trying to figure out how Steven could breathe in space. Then again, he could do so as well.

Aura, who was clinging onto Steven's back looked back to see Earth getting smaller and smaller until it was nothing. Then her eyes were filled with wonder and awe as she looked forward and saw the cosmos for the first time. Steven was in amazement too.

Tycrone may have already seen the true beauty of space before, but that didn't stop him from admiring it.

It wasn't long before they had had spotted a squadron of black pteranodons heading towards a nearby planet. This wasn't good.

Tycrone grabbed Steven's arm and flew even faster. Aura tightened her arms around the human's torso.

The trio knew that they had to get to the planet before the black pteranodons conquer it.
Meanwhile on the planet, it was a bright sunny day with little clouds. One of them was training in a forested area.

He was an atelerixian, a short hedgehog like race and only dominant species on the planet Atelerix. This individual looked a lot like the famous video game character Sonic the Hedgehog, but had a lot of differences. His main fur color was grey. He had tan fur on his muzzle and inside ears. In speaking of his muzzle, it was more like a hedgehog's. His head spines pointed upward, but they were thinner and much more numerous than Sonic's. Also his eyes didn't connect, but they were round and large. The atelerixian's eyes were a light blue in color. His head in general was large in comparison to his body, as with all others of his species. The hedgehog like being was wearing a black T-shirt and blue jeens. He wasn't wearing any shoes nor socks, due to the style of training.

He kicked a boulder into another larger boulder obliterating them both. Then he punched a tree that was behind him down.

The male atelerixian was out here for a few hours. He was training by himself due to the fact that he was his planet's only hero.

It wasn't long until he caught a whiff of his favorite food. Pie.

I could go for some pie. Training can sure work up an appetite.

He ran at high speeds towards his home. It looked like an average American household.

He stopped at the front door, now getting more of the intoxicating scent thanks to his sensitive nose.

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