Return Of Santarius

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"Is the army ready?"

"Yes sir. The preparations are finished."

"Good. Now let's pay Earth a visit shall we?"
Steven was in his room staring at the stone in his hand. After the last battle against Death Inferno, the locals gave him this stone. Now he had two of them.

Next to him, Tycrone stared as well. There's a crap ton of power coming from the new stone. Well so does the blue crystal too, but it seems to be 'sealed.'

Albino had taken a look at the rock and concluded his studies. "The rock has some kind of energy flowing through it. Strange." But that was all he could say and Steven put the rock in his drawer. Tycrone thought today would be a good day to train. "Hey Steve. Let's go train."

"Okay hold on!"
The two arrived to the desert once again. Not much has changed here. Well what do you expect? It's a desert. Tycrone stood thirty feet away from his human friend. He seemed ready to strike at any moment. Steven had to be cautious.

Just then the extrosaur quickly charged at the human. Steven was obviously much faster than the alien, so he out maneuvered him. Tycrone threw a fist but missed and swung his elbow behind him thinking he'd get Steven. Nothing.

Where is he? He thought.

Steven rushed up from behind and delivered a jump kick into his friend's back. Tycrone slid forward a few feet. The extrosaur got his composure together to face Steven. The human sped off in another direction to confuse the alien. Tycrone could read Steven's tactics very easily. He seen him do it many times during training.
"Not this cheap old tactic again."

Steven hid behind a rock. He charged a sinten blast in his hand. He fires it at an unsuspecting Tycrone. The extrosaur gets hit and doubles over. Steven zooms at Tycrone, grabs him, punches him away, runs after him and kicks him into the air. Tycrone shakes his head, he remembered just how strong Steven was.

The extrosaur starts flying in the air, firing plasma beams down at his friend. Steven easily dodges all of them. He didn't see the fist flying towards his face. After being sent back, Steven was punched into the air.

"Let's see how you like this!"

The human now found himself kicked to the ground. Dazed, he barely saw the figure of Tycrone flying straight down towards him. Steven's eyes snapped open and dodged the incoming foot.

Tycrone caused an earthquake that was seven point nine on the Richter Scale. Not only that he created a massive crater in the ground. Tycrone turned to see a shoe slam into his head. Steven proceeded to deliver a flurry of punches and kicks to the dazed extrosaur.
Several familiar beings flew just above the atmosphere. "Ah Earth, a disgusting place if you ask me."

"Sir, surely the inhabitants are ready to go on both the defensive and offensive should we entire their airspace."

"You think I care about that? These pitiful beasts of primordial nature don't have anything that would even remotely hurt us."

"Yes sir."
Above the city of Pantholo, fire rained down. Buildings caught fire, several of which exploded. The Pantholo Police Department arrived and started evacuating the citizens. As they did, half of the crowd was incinerated by a wall of fire.

"Hehehe, not so fast. I need to consult with the heroes of your planet first."
Steven and Tycrone rushed back to the mansion to see what was up. On the t.v. the reporter was telling the viewers the lowdown.

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