The Attack On Earth

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It was a lazy Sunday morning as our heroes were lounging around. There wasn't anything big lately. At the very most, only bank robbers and such, nothing really. Dr. Professor was the only true threat around that executed Steven's boredom. But now that he's in jail, it was very quiet.

"I'm soooo bored." Aura frustratingly said. "There's no villains to fight. Nothing at all."

"Yeah." Steven can second that.

Tycrone was thinking for a moment before getting an idea. "Hey why not go to other countries? Bet they have problems that you could fix."

"Tried that." Steven sighed. "Apparently other countries want to settle things on their own rather than have help."

Aura merely nodded on agreement. Tycrone was still thinking of ways to pass the time. It was only a week since they had stopped Dr. Professor. They played video games and watched some t.v. but those got boring after four days.

Steven was hoping that something would finally happen. So something did just that.

The Global Emergency Alarm had detected a natural disaster in Louisiana. Even if it wasn't a supervillain, at least it was something. So the three checked the exact location and went off.
In a small town, a family was trying to hide in their bunker. Several miles away a tornado was headed straight towards them! The father tried to open the bunker with no avail. The mother was trying to calm her crying kids.

"It's no use! It won't open!" the father yelled over the winds. "Damn it, why won't you freaking open!?"

The daughter opened her eyes, expecting to see the tornado but instead it was something else.

She is now looking at a red, beaked lizard thing standing several feet away. The mother and father had noticed as well.

"Don't worry! I'm here to help!"
Shouted Tycrone. "Get in your car! I'll take you out of here!"

The family, though confused, did as told. Miraculously, their family car hasn't been destroyed yet. Tycrone had no shoes on for this very reason. He jumped onto the car and dug his claws into the roof. He then spread his wings and started to fly away. The tornado was closing in. Tycrone wasn't fast enough to get away.

That's why Steven was here. He ran to the tornado and ran circles around it the opposite way the winds are blowing. How he was able to stay on the ground was beyond anyone's guess. The tornado was slowing down to the point to near stopping. Many things fell from within the wall of winds and clouds. Pieces of houses, some cars and trash cans, trees; etc fell to the ground.

Tycrone managed to get the family hundreds of miles away and was ready to deal with the tornado. Extrosaurs have elemental abilties, and can control the environment around them to an extent. So the alien used his wind controlling powers to stop the tornado and save the town from being destroyed even more. Steven looked up and saw his flying friend in the sky and gave him a thumbs up.

Tycrone nodded and flew off. Steven sped off after him.

Aura had led some people away to a safe area while Tycrone went to go help a family and Steven dealt with the tornado.

Now everyone was safe.
The three were back home watching t.v. The news was buzzing about how three heroes stopped a tornado and saved lives. The U.S. president had made the Ultimate Life Forms official heroes of the U.S.

Now the reporter was interviewing the survivors. They were very grateful of the heroes going in and helping them.

Steven was content with all that had happened. Sure he wanted action, but he also didn't want to let innocent lives be killed. That wasn't him at all.

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