Battle For Earth Part 1

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The Ultimate Life Forms stared down Santarius. They weren't about to let him take Earth, not while they were alive and standing.

The black pteranodon took a small step forward. Tycrone put up his fist, blocking any attack that comes his way. Aura only bared her teeth. Since she was canid, or canine like, she had fangs, very sharp fangs. Nightmare kept his guard up, and Steven narrowed his eyes.

They were waiting for a sudden attack on the other. Steven had an idea, but the others had to give him cover.

"I'm going to transform." he whispered.

"Right, we'll give you cover." Nightmare whispered back. "Okay guys let's go."

Santarius on the other hand was wondering what the quiet talking was about."What are you low lives talking about? Fight me cowards!"

As if on queue, Aura dashed full speed at him. Santarius covered his front side with his winged arms to block against her. But he hadn't accounted for Tycrone to pop up behind him, and jump kick him in the back.

The blow was well over enough to send him flying, straight towards Aura, but she knew what to do. She formed mana around her hands to clap. The clap created a shockwave of energy right when Santarius was near her.

The black pteranodon was sent flying into a tree. Aura pumped her fists in the air. From the force of the shockwave, almost nothing could've survived it. Even Tycrone smiled. However he thought Santarius was still awake. He walked over to the downed reptile. "I know you're awake. So trying to play dead is pointless."

"Pretty good. But not good enough." Just then Santarius disappeared in a cloud of smoke.

Tycrone didn't have time to be shocked as a black lizard-like tail slammed into the side of his head.

Aura's celebration stopped as she saw Santarius tail-whip Tycrone. She immediately fired a beam of mana at the black pteranodon. But he dodged quickly, leaving the blast to destroy a building feet from where he was. Aura winced. "Oops."
Nightmare was watching the fight while also giving Steven protection. The latter had an idea, to transform into an elemental form.

Steven transformed into his water form. Over time the transformations have changed their clothing somewhat. Steven's Water Form now wears a blue jacket, dark blue pants and black shoes.

In turn with his clothing changed, his hair was now blue, and appeared to have a buzz cut hairstyle. His eyes turned blue as well.

Nightmare's eyes widened a bit. "What's with the hair change?"

Steven looked at him. "Oh, see when in water, my hair would be a drag. It's not hydrodynamic."

Nightmare just stared at him before looking out at Santarius. "Whatever you say." Then they ran to the fighting group.
Tycrone ducked under a swipe, and responded with his own kick to the stomach. Santarius staggered back. He growled as he let loose a wall of fire erupt between him and Tycrone.

He once again failed to see Aura behind him, charging a mana blast. She wouldn't miss this time.


Santarius turned around and saw her. Aura gulped as his red and black eyes looked down upon her soul. Crap.

"I got this!"

Aura then saw Santarius get blasted by a jet stream of water. She turned to see Steven rushing over to her.

"Alright, now I'm his biggest weakness." Steven said as he shot another blast of water at the downed pteranodon.

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