Fitting In

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It was only hours ago that the Ultimate Life Forms had arrived back on Earth with their otherworldly friends.

The four atelerixians were given a lot of time to get adjusted and settled into their new surroundings. Everyone met up in the living room to discuss what to do.

"Nightmare and I should go out to the desert to train Steven and Aura." suggested Tycrone. "No offense, but you guys kinda suck at hand-to-hand combat."

"None taken." Both human and jackara said simultaneously.

"Okay so I could take Nick assigned to a school here." Nicole said. "So that only leaves Albino."

They turned to their snow white friend. He thought for a minute before speaking. "I should give you all communicators. That way we could all contact each other quickly. Also, I should stay here and upload the alarm system to my computer so that when something happens, I can contact all of you."

"Alright, it looks like we know what to do for the time being." Tycrone stated. "Let's go."

Everyone, minus Albino, walked out the front doors. They said their "see ya laters' and went off in two directions.
Steven was carrying Aura, who had her tongue out like a dog, on his back while he zoomed to the desert. Nightmare, though much slower but still fast, was not far behind him. Tycrone was flying in the sky looking for a good spot.

He had found it and contacted the others. "Hey guys. I found a good spot to train."

Steven and Nightmare both stopped and looked up at the extrosaur. He was pointing at a spot hundreds of meters away. Aura hung on tightly while both speedsters zoomed to the spot.

Tycrone had already landed as the three had arrived. As soon as Steven stopped, Aura got off him. Her hair and fur were blown back due to the high speed winds. It was humorous sight to look at. Steven laughed, Nightmare chuckled lightly, and Tycrone only smiled.

"Okay, first, we're going to teach you two how to block attacks. You got dodging good. But blocking is something you have to work on." Tycrone explained.

Steven nodded while Aura fixed her spiked bangs.

"First, Steven, you need to bring up your hands or arms to block a punch, kick or anything else. Got it?" Tycrone said as he demonstrated.

Steven nodded. "Yeah I think so."

"Saying you think so isn't enough for me Steven. Okay, I'm going to fake punch you. You are going to block it okay?"


"Good. Now be ready." the extrosaur said as he readied his false punch. Steven was waiting for the incoming attack to happen.

Tycrone's fist came at Steven's stomach. The human did try to block it with his hands, but he was a few seconds too late. The fist stopped just millimeters away from Steven's stomach.

"That's good, but you have to be faster alright?"

Steven nodded again as Tycrone threw his fist again at the human's chest. The boy block the fist this time. "Good job, you're a quick learner."

Steven smiled in celebration. But he knew this was the beginning of the training session.

Tycrone decided to step it up a notch. He wanted Steven to block numerous punches and kicks. He didn't have to worry about his human friend. This kid is tough.

Tycrone threw punch after kick etc. Steven did block most of them, though that was a minor issue. Tycrone wanted Steven to be a good fighter against evil. So this training is going to be tough for him.

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