Nightmare vs Noctis

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BEFORE YOU START READING. WARNING! SOME SCREWED UP CRAP IN THIS CHAPTER. If you are a minor, please leave the area. There will be some stuff that I'm not proud of in this chapter.
A few days after the attack of the arcanian, the Ultimate Life Forms have been taking care of other issues from then on.

Tycrone trained Steven a lot. He was preparing his young friend for his supposed upcoming battle with Death Inferno. In speaking of the demon, the group had been trying to track him down. They weren't successful at all.

Nicole had to take Nick to his school soccer practice. Aura was with Steven and Tycrone training. Albino was in the basement/laboratory thing. Leaving Nightmare with nothing to do.

"I'm so bored right now." he muttered. The atelerixian hated it when there wasn't anything to do. He despised boredom. If he could, he could very well wage war on boredom in general.

"I guess I could go see Nick's soccer practice." he said.

The atelerixian got up and walked out the front door. He then thought it would be nice of him to buy his siblings something to eat. Earth's money system was similar to his planet's.

After buying a couple of Gatorades, Nightmare sped off to Nick's school.

It wasn't long before he arrived at the elementary school. He through its halls and noticed something strange. Nobody was here, not even a janitor. And even stranger, or much more frighteningly, claw marks on the walls.

Strange. Nightmare thought. What's going on here?

The atelerixian walked down more halls following the claw marks. He was getting a little nervous. Nightmare came to the principal's office. No one. Just some papers on the floor. One of them caught his eye.

He walked over and picked up the paper. It read: Save them. This confused him. Save who? The atelerixian crumpled up the sheet and tossed it away.

Nightmare walked out of the office and proceeded to keep walking through the school.

What is going on? Where are they? Where is everyone?

The atelerixian's thoughts were interrupted when he heard a scream. That was Nicole! He sped through the school as quickly as he could. The source of the scream was around here somewhere.

Nightmare finally reached the source of the scream. How he managed to find it was beyond him. The source of Nicole's scream was behind an exit door leading outside. He kicked it open and ran through. What he saw was something he never dreamt of seeing.

Nicole and Nick were on the ground. The former was wearing nothing but her underwear, but still had rags of her clothing here and there, and was covered in scars. Nick was bruised up but alright. Both were gagged, and had their arms tied around their backs. Their legs were also tied up.

Around them the scenery was dark. Corpses littered the ground, ripped into pieces. Nightmare could clearly see that they were children. The background looked like the apocalypse had happened. Buildings were destroyed. Cars and other vehicles were obliterated. Trees no longer had leaves as they were long since dead.

Then an erie laugh filled the air. It belonged to an old enemy. "Noctis..."

"Indeed so Nightmare." Noctis appeared behind the two on the ground. "You like what you see?"

Nightmare was really disgusted. The scene before made his hatred for Noctis grow. "Bastard."

"That wasn't very nice Nightmare, given the impending choices I'm about to give you." The demon stated.

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