It All Begins Part 2

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It has been a long while since the battle in the city. Tycrone and Steven were tracking Dr. Professor via Tycrone's energy sensory techniques. Said Extrosaur was a bit slow on his feet and preferred flying. But even with the power of flight, he still had great difficulty trying to catch up to Steven.

I think this kid might be the fastest human on Earth. Thought the alien, as the human on the ground was nothing more than a mere blur. What in the heck!? How does he even see where he's going?

Eventually Steven slowed down enough to let Tycrone catch up. The older male flew down and landed near the human boy.

"I can still sense Dr. Professor. He's still a good ways away."

"No problem for me, I'm a lot like Sonic the Hedgehog." Steven smiled. "Though I'm not sure how fast I really am to be honest."

Tycrone thought for a few moments. He was going to ask Steven on how exactly did the human get his powers, but he brushed those thoughts aside, they had a mission.

"We're wasting time. Let's go."

The speedy human nodded before zooming off...that is until he came back.

"Umm where did you say you sensed him go?"

Tycrone chuckled and pointed northwest. "Let's just follow the road. And try not to go to far from me alright?"


And with that they headed off in their intended direction.
Meanwhile, in an uncertain location, a certain mad scientist knew the two were going to follow him. As he pondered about the two, a cyborg slave walked up to him.

"Master, our scanners have detected two heat signatures 3 miles southwest." the cyborg said in a feminine voice, implying that she was a woman before. "Shall we go and destroy them?"

Dr. Professor thought for a bit. Then he came up with a plan. "Go and tell Blitzer and Apocalypse that they have a job to do."
Back to our two heroes, they have arrived to the industrial part of Pantholo City. Most factories here have been long since abandoned. For over 28 years over the time that the factories have been abandoned, plants have overgrown all over the outside walls. Animals may or may not have taken up residence in them.

"Pantholo City Factories." Steven read a sign out loud. "Huh, never knew there were factories here."

Tycrone nodded in agreement. "Me too. These things look like they're about to crumble and collapse on themselves. Alright I sense Dr. Professor here. He's not far."

"Oh are you seeking our master?"

Steven and Tycrone saw two robots appear before them. One looked thin, but had bulk to 'him'. 'He' had a red visor covering his eyes. He appeared to be an anthro cheetah. His chest was nothing but metal as his legs were too. Tycrone immediately knew that he was a cyborg.

The other one was almost five times as large as they were. It's main body was round with a few electric pumps jutting out from it's back. It's head was small in comparison to it's body. It looked humanoid. It's arms and legs started out as skinny but became bulkier. This brought Megaman to Steven's mind.

"Our master does not like to be disturbed while he is testing. So he ordered us to do away with you." said the cyborg as he got into a fighting stance, as did his large ally.

Steven and Tycrone got into there own fighting stances. The cyborg disappeared and kicked Steven in the stomach sending him flying. Tycrone tried to go an help his young friend, but a large metallic fist crushed the Extrosaur underneath it.
Steven and the cheetah cyborg were nearly equal in speed. He had learned that his name is Blitzer, kinda suiting him. Steven ducked under a punch and sidestepped to his left to dodge an incoming kick.The young human ran and gave his opponent an uppercut to the cyborg's chin earning a yelp in pain. Said cheetah responded with a drop kick to the smaller human. Steven got up and then ran at his foe and tackled him. Like he did with Dr. Professor he started to jump on the cyborg's stomach.

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