Secrets of the Morrisons

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Ten days after the battle against Death Inferno, the Ultimate Life Forms were never higher on alert than ever. They now took to protecting not just Earth, but the entire galaxy as well, a lot more seriously.

Tycrone and Nightmare scouted the southern hemisphere of the blue planet while Steven and Aura scouted the northern half.

Steven was zooming around the northern part of Earth. Aura was on his back, with her tongue out like a dog.

The human decided to stop in the middle of a forest. Aura got off him and looked around. She was amazed by the fact that there are so many trees.

Steven was also looking around. He found what appeared to be an old dirt trail. He lightly tapped his female friend on the shoulder. The jackara turned to see him motioning for her to follow him. "I think I found a trail. It looks old. It might lead us somewhere like a town or something."

Aura had doubts. It might lead them to a town. But it also might lead to somewhere dangerous.

But the Ultimate Life Forms take on things that are dangerous once every other weak.

As Aura was thinking to herself, Steven was getting a bit impatient. He tapped her shoulder again. The jackara jumped at the sudden touch. She looked at her human friend. He was still waiting an answer.

Aura finally nodded in yes. Steven smiled as they walked down the path.

The two had looked at the surrounding habitat. Birds were singing, leaves were rustling in the wind. It was relaxing. And romantic...

It wasn't long before the trail was getting thinner and thinner. Soon it disappeared. But Steven and Aura still walked forward, unsure where they might head.

Steven could have swore he saw something through the trees. He thought his eyes were playing trickes on him. "What is that?" he heard Aura ask. So whatever it was, it was real.

"I don't know, let's check it out."

After a minute of waking, the two finally made it to whatever the object was. The object turned out to be a huge ancient temple. It looked old. Well it had to be old, there were vines growing on it. It didn't look like any ancient civilization that Steven had heard of. The temple didn't look like it was built by the Mayans nor the Aztecs.

There seemed to be a closed off opening. Aura tried moving it but it wouldn't budge. Steven wanted a try.

"Let me see if I can move it."

"Sure, this things heavy as heck."

The human hadn't even touched it, but the door started to glow white and opened on its own. This startled Steven and Aura. What the heck was that!?

"What did you do?" the jackara questioned.

"Me? I didn't even touch it! It moved on its own!"

"Riiiiiight." Aura said with a teasing manor.

All Steven could do was say a weak reply. The human sighed with defeat. Aura grinned in triumph. She liked teasing her friend. But she didn't go too far.

Somewhere in the back of Steven's mind told him to go in the temple. The boy walked in. Aura watched her friend go inside without a second thought. That was weird. The jackara stayed outside, unsure of what to do. Then she made up her mind as she ran down in.

Steven slowed down to let his blue furred friend catch up. As she did, an eerie howling sound came from deep within the tunnel. Aura was so frightened, that she grabbed Steven's hand and hid behind him in fear. The human blushed a bit at the action. Aura found herself blushing too. She was still holding his hand. And for some strange reason, she didn't want to let go.

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