Battle For Earth Part 2

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Nightmare was in a deadlock with Santarius. The reptile can easily overpower him.

Great....he thought. The atelerixian decided to unleash a pulse wave of antimatter. But before he could even generate some, Tycrone grabbed the black pteranodon and thrusted his knee into the monster's back, earning a roar in pain.

"You little.." Santarius growled in anger.

Steven noticed the air bubble around Aura's head was getting thinner. He added more air for her to survive longer.

"Thanks." she said.

Steven nodded and placed her on top of another asteroid. "Stay here."

Aura sweatdropped. "Dude I'm on an asteroid. I ain't goin' nowhere."

Steven laughed. "Oh yeah." And then he was off. He transformed into his light form.

Santarius dodged a punch and countered with a barrage of teeth and claws. Tycrone was hurt, but it wasn't critical. He still had fight left in him. His only hope to get through this match is to get help or finish it himself.

Nightmare was thinking of a way to take out Santarius. He had noticed the other black pteranodons get stronger when they are in the sun, while those in the shade are a bit weaker.

He looked at the sun. Earth needs the sun, so getting rid of the sun was out of the question. Just then something zoomed past him. Nightmare was startled by this and gave out a girly screamed.

Tycrone was grabbed the leg, then thrown near Pluto. Santarius flew after him, but was being followed. He looked back to see something, someone punch him in the face.


Tycrone saw what had hit him. Steven in his light form. Good. Steven now has the speed advantage. He smiled.

Santarius got his head together. He saw the one who had hit him. That boy... He had enough about these four, especially the boy. The kid had something that could possibly place him above everyone else.

"This is where you stop." Steven spoke. "Your reign of terror ends here."

Santarius smirked. "Oh really? How so? You see, we are doing you idiotic mortals a favor."

Nightmare and Aura arrived. "What favor?"

Santarius laughed. "You seriously don't realize it?"

Aura growled. She sensed his mana, he was thinking of something not good. "Then tell us."

The black pteranodon chuckled darkly. "You are all on your last legs. This battle is almost practically over. Saves me the trouble of working any longer."

Steven made a deadpan face. "But you were getting rekt."

Aura nodded. "Yeah, you were losing."

"Not for long..."

Nightmare realized that the black pteranodons get their power from the sun as well. Kinda like that Superman from all those comic books.


They turned to look at him. Wondering why he would shout in space, even if there wasn't any air in the vacuum of space.

"What?" Tycrone raised an eyebrow.

"He's getting power from the sun! He's superman basically!"

Steven's blood went cold. He was in his light form. Aura realized that Steven's own presence was giving the pteranodon power.

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