Death Inferno

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New York City, the city that never sleeps. 468.9 square miles. The biggest city in all of the United States.

Its citizens are walking about. Cars and other vehicles were trafficking on the streets.

It was all the same. That is until someone looked up and pointed.

"What is that!?" he pointed. Many people looked to where he was pointing. Even the teenagers who had somehow looked up from their phones.

A dark figure was 60 feet above the street. He appeared to be a small child. But there was something about him that was evil. The figure was a completely black being, save for his red eyes. They were in the shapes of half circles titled towards each other. Black energy was flowing out of the being.

Someone had called the police a few minutes earlier. Now they had finally arrived.

They had drawn out their handguns. "Okay, what the hell are you?"

The being merely looked at them. And started to float down. "Hahahahaha! Oh you pathetic life forms. You are so quick to resorting to violence."

As he finally landed on the ground, the citizens were already running away. The police were already firing at the being.

The bullets weren't making a mark on this guy. The figure, seemed to be bored. He raised his hand at one of the cops.

The officer exploded. Blood, tissue, intestines, and other organs flew everywhere. The other officers were covered in their comrades insides.

"Let this be a reminder to the rest of your pitiful planet."

The dark being raised a fist, and hit the street. Then an enormous explosion erupted from the fist. Within seconds, every building that was apart of New York City had being nothing more than ash and dust. People were burnt to death as the flames hit their bodies. Their screams of terror and pain filled the entity's ears. The entire city was destroyed. Nothing remained. This was a very tough reminder of what the earthlings' place in the universe.

The being stood at the epicenter. He looked at the destruction and laughed. "Aaaaaawww, did I do that?"

The dark entity then waited for his intended catch. He was baiting them.
Every news channel and website were out of control.

"Reports prove that New York City was destroyed. There is nothing left. There are no survivors. This wasn't a nuclear attack. This was something much more powerful. We don't know when know when is the attack is. But hopefully someone will do something to save us."

Steven turned off the t.v., he sat back on the couch. What the heck is going on!? Something or someone had destroyed the entirety of the famous U.S. city.

Tycrone had been thinking. Whatever this is, they all had to stop it. He had sensed a powerful energy surge, something a hydrogen bomb can't even come close to. This was a being of immense power.

The others were thinking the same thing.


They looked at Tycrone.

"Let's go to that area, maybe there is something like leftover energy residue from whoever did this."

Nightmare nodded. "Nicole and Nick are both at there schools. We can call the principal to let them ou-"

"Don't worry, we're here."

The group had then saw the two mentioned atelerixians at the front door. "The schools are letting everyone out."

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