It All Begins Part 3

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Steven and Tycrone stood their ground as they were about to face the strongest cyborg in the entire building.

"You both will die in the name of my master." she said. "Feel the wrath of Celltrona!"

"Let's see about that." countered the red alien. "Bet you're as weak as all the oth-"

Tycrone didn't finish his statement as he was kicked in the chest. The blow was strong enough to send him flying through five walls. Celltrona then turned her attention to the human. Steven ran at her with a fist reared back, ready to hit the cybernetic being.

She caught the incoming fist and punched him in the face sending him crashing through a wall just like Tycrone had done moments ago. In speaking of the Extrosaur, he had gotten up and tackled the cyborg to the ground. Tycrone threw punch after punch at his downed foe, trying to weaken her. He wasn't making a dent in her armored skin. She merely threw him off with little to no strength what's so ever.

Tycrone fired his heat breath at the cyborg. She wasn't affected at all! Whatever metal she was made of was tough, and heat resistant.

"What is this? Energy?" she questioned. "Well thank you for it"

As she said that, Celltrona started to absorb the beam. "I should thank my master for giving me my abilities."

Tycrone growled under his breath. He decided to go with brute force in order to take out Celltrona. He flew at said cyborg and delivered a kick to her face. As she staggered back, he grabbed her by the neck and threw her to the ground. Then he picked her up and and threw Celltrona into the air, dug his hand into the floor and threw the slab of concrete to her.

Celltrona fell to the ground with a loud crash. She never have thought she could be bested by someone other than her master.

NO! This is not possible! I can't lose! I have to win! For master!

"Come on! Let's take her out now!" Steven shouted. "Before she gets up!"

As Tycrone walked over to Celltrona to dispatch her, she shoot an energy beam into his torso. The attack did some damage to Tycrone's shirt but not much else.

As the Extrosaur was recovering from the blast Celltrona collided into him knocking him near Steven. The human gasped in shock but quickly snapped out of it and ran at the cyborg full speed and delivered a powerful uppercut to her chin. The blow was enough to launch her three inches into the air... But Steven didn't stop there. He kept throwing punch after punch into her stomach. With each punch, the force they gave got stronger.

Doesn't she just break!? Steven thought as he sidekicked the cybernetic being. She's invincible!

"I can read your thoughts boy." Celltrona said. "I can detect any electromagnetic pulses, even those from living beings. Your thoughts are nothing more than mere electromagnetic pulses."

Before Steven had any time to think, he was grabbed by the throat and thrown into another wall.

Tycrone had managed to get up. As he did he just saw Steven get thrown into a wall. He felt something within. It was anger. Steven was his very first friend in almost 18 years. He didn't want the young human to be killed by a stupid cyborg!

" half living monster...I didn't want to use these abilities because the entire planet might be destroyed." Tycrone muttered under his breath. "But you leave me no choice."

Tycrone moved faster than the average could see. He was then right next to Celltrona, who was startled to see him. The alien formed rocks and earth around his hands. Then he crushed the cyborg by clapping his hands together around her.

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