Battle For Earth Part 3

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"Now who wants to die first?"

No words were said as the four charged. Each had the intent on finishing this battle once and for all.

The newly transformed Santarius was now three or four times stronger than his original self.

Tycrone punched him in the chest with all of his might. The blow didn't do anything. Santarius merely backhanded him away.

Aura blasted him with mana rays, but they were no go either. The black pteranodon blasted her with a huge beam of plasma. She was hit all the way to Saturn.
Nightmare was about to help her but he felt something grab his leg. He looked to see Santarius sneering at him.

"What are yo-"

He couldn't finish as he was thrown into Steven. The two flew through space.

Tycrone caught them just in time. Then he flew at Santarius, hoping they could defeat him. The black pteranodon wanted none of that.

"Hyper Dragon: Fire of Death."

The extrosaur's eyes widened with shock and fear as a massive ball of fire engulfed Santarius. It was as big as the moon of Earth!
Back on Earth, Albino was working on something. It was a giant machine gun that can shoot "water bullets" as he called them.

"Phew, a couple more tweeks here and there, and this baby will be ready just in case those black pteranodons decide to come to Earth."

Nicole walked in carrying a plate with a sandwich. "Here you go."

"Oh thanks." Albino took the plate from her. "Now this is really good."

Nicole smiled. "Thanks."

An awkward silence fell over the two atelerixians. Nicole stood there while Albino sat down to eat his sandwich.

"Do you think they'll be alright Albino?" Nicole spoke up.

Albino gave her a quizzical look. "Alright? Nicole, do you realize who they are? They are the Ultimate Life Forms. They will defeat the black pteranodons."

Nicole looked up at the ceiling. "I hope so."
"Hyper Dragon: Fire of Death Explode."

The moon sized ball of heat burst into a supernova. Tycrone had to shield his face from the oncoming fire. The heat alone destroyed Saturn and everything around it.

The extrosaur charged at the black pteranodon, thinking his next attack was a for sure kill.

"Twenty Thousand Leagues: Ocean of Dark Matter!"

Santarius saw a massive wave of dark energy, and it coming straight at him. He blocked the powerful attack with his wings.

"Now my turn."

Tycrone was shocked. That move was guaranteed to kill. How strong is this guy.

"Thousands of Candles."

Millions upon millions of tiny flames surrounded the reptilian general. He grinned. The extrosaur would not survive this move. Though, he did manage to live his other killing moves.

The flames then shot forward. Tycrone couldn't dodge in time, he thought he was done for. That is until Steven intercepted and grabbed Tycrone out of the way. Several nanoseconds later the flames dissipated. He turned to his friend.


"No problem."

"Fools. Don't act like I'm not a threat.

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