Chapter one- Stop

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"Come on babe, its just one drink." blake said.

"No Blake, I told you. I stopped drinking." i argued

"Come on, you drink this one and that's all."

"Fine, give it."

I shallowed the drank. Then, I couldn't move. I could only hear and see, but that's all.

"Hey guys! It worked!" I heard Blake yell.

"Blake what worked?" I heard him laughing.

"You'll see babe."

"Blake your drunk." *Smack!

"BLAKE WHAT THE FUCK!" i still couldn't move. I felt tears rolling down my face.

"Shut up you whore!." *Smack.

*Beep, beep, beep.

"Jazlyn! Jazyln honey get up we have to leave!"


I rolled out of my sleeping bag. I got up and went to the bathroom. I wash my face with cold water, i cant help but relive that night every time i close my eyes. Its something i will never be able to wake u from. At least we are moving so i don't have to have people stare at me all the time. I get to start over thankfully. I'm a new person know, no ones gonna run me over, or fuck with me at this new school. We are moving to where my mom and dad are from, which is North Carolina. 

I wish i could find a relationship like my mom, and dads. They are perfect and they use to tell me and my twin brother about the stuff they use to do. My parents grew up with nothing, unlike my brother and I. My dad is a Singer which he has made enough money to last a life time and many more. I thought it was cute my dad said he had enough money so he quit so he could be with us more. You know people are like i am a daddy's girl, or I'm a mamas girl, well my parents are the best so i have a really hard picking.

*knock knock knock.

"Come in."

"Hey baby sis you ready to go to the airport?" My twin brother laiden said.

"You are older by 5 minutes! I'm not a baby loser. and Yes i am." I laughed he looked me up and down

"Don't you think your shirt is a little to low cut, and your shorts are to short?" he asked

"Laiden Bexley, how many times are you gonna do this?"

"Until you by cloths that cover more."

"Your not dad!" He turned and left with that. He has been really over protective since that thing happened.. I grabbed my phone and walked down stairs.

"Good morning honey." My mom said


"You ready to go?"

"Is that even a real question?"

"I know baby, just think know one knows anything down there. It will be like it never happened sweet pea. You had another dream didn't you?"

"Ya.." She hugged me and left to go get her bag. My dad walked in with his and my moms last bag for the trip.

"Come on angel smile." He told me which made me smile and he kissed my forehead. I had the best parents. My dad use to be hot in his younger days, and still a few of his looks but mostly laiden took them from him. My mom was gorgeous. She had blonde hair that went to the middle of her back, Dark green eyes, and great skin. I look just like her. The only thing is i have Dark blue eyes which i got from my dad.

"Well lets go!" My mom said.

We all walked to the car. I took out my phone and put in my headphones, i turned on John Mayer because he is amazing. The car ride to the airport was short. Summer break is almost ending so I'm ready to get there and make the best of the rest of the summer. We got on the plane. It would only take 6 hours to get there. about 2 hours i got really tired so then blackness took over.




"Jazlyn wake up we are here." my brother said. i opened my eyes. and sure enough we were. i got out and got my bag. I cant wait to to ride in my car! They brought mine, my parents, and my brothers car over here already and its been a whole 3 days since i have drove in my car. My car is my baby its a 2013 Chevy camro. It dark gray with electric blue stripes down it. It also have a kick ass system in it, and lights under the car.

It took about 30 minutes to get to our new house. It was beautiful. I ran out of the car to go see my room. Mom had ready told me where it was. I loved my room it was already set up with the way i wanted it and had all my stuff in it. I wanted to go see the town.

"Hey laiden! wanna go ride around with me?"

"Sure, are you gonna change?"

"NO! get your ass in my car in 3 or i will leave you."

"ok, ok I'm coming!"

I told my mom where we were going and she didn't have a problem with it. We drove around for a while and then we found a mall and we wanted to go check it out.

We got out of the car and everyone was staring at us. The girl in aw over my brother and the boys in aw over me. It was funny to watch them stare. Guys and girls were yelling random things that was making me laugh.

"Damn! look at her!"

"Omg that boy is so hot!"

"I wonder if they are together...

"She is pretty."

"She looks like a bitch, and a whore look at her shorts." i laughed at that one.

"That guy looks like a punk i could beat his ass." oh if he only knew. my brother could kick ass thanks to mma.

We just kept walking. I turned around to see if they were still staring. When i turned back around, I came in contacted with something hard. and fell on my ass. damn that hurt.

"Hey! Watch where you are going damn!" the guy said. When i looked up at him i was in aw. holy fuck who is he?! He had black hair that fell to his eyes, it was in the Justin bieber way but it looked so much more hotter on him. He was built like a house. His shirt outlined his ads perfectly. he was wearing jeans that had holes in them. He had tattoos you could see on hims arms. He was a bad boy you could tell it.

"Jr! you okay?" my brother asked yes they call me jr for jazlyn rea i think its cute and cool so fuck what you say.

"Yeah I'm fine. And me? it was you that ran into me so you need to watch were you are going.!"

"Whatever you think, Jaz. i would watch who you are talking to you don't know me and i would hate to have to show you." The fuck?

"You ain't showing shit. I wouldn't touch you if you were the last person on earth! And how in the fuck do you know my name? stalker." he stepped closer. I could fell his breathe hit my face.

"I usually try to keep up with who i live by. When I'm done with you, you will be crawling into my bedroom at night begging." he smirked.

"Oh so you're a player? Nice to meet you babe I'm the coach." and with that i walked off.

Damn he lives next to me. this should be fun.


So tell me what you think! yes this the 2nd book to Started with a lie, but you do not have to read this book to understand this one. I hope you guys like this book

much love<3

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